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Technical support / Re: Multipoint host-link trouble
« on: September 10, 2003, 04:07:27 PM »
You can use either methods. Using WI is more straight forward (and the program will run quicker) but it affects 8 inputs in one command. If you only need one input the the rest of the inputs are not used then it does not matter.

Technical support / Re: Multipoint host-link trouble
« on: September 09, 2003, 07:37:48 PM »
The PLC is refreshing all its physical input bit at every scan of the ladder logic even if the PLC program is halted. As such, when you write to the input register using the host link command "@01WIxxxxx", it will only change the input register temporarily,  and the PLC will on the next I/O scan change the input bits back to what it receive from the physical input.

The only inputs that you can change permenantly are those not controlled by the PLC. For the M-series PLC, the maximum inputs are 96, so above 96 you can change them. Since WI treat each channel as 8 bit, the input from 97 to 104 will occupy channel 12, or 0C hex. Try "@01WI0Cxxxxx*" and it should work on input #97 to 104 and so on.

Technical support / Re: Wiring diagrams
« on: September 18, 2003, 10:52:24 AM »
COMM1 is just a RS232 port that uses only Tx, Rx and GND (2,3,5). You need to make a cable to connect to your MODBUS or OMRON slave. It is either:

2 - 2
3 - 3
5 - 5


2 - 3
3 - 2
5 - 5

The next thing to do is to use the SETBAUD function to set the baudrate of COMM1 to the same as your slave. (Alternatively, you can also set your slave's baud rate and communication to that of the PLC, which is by default 38,400, 8, 1, noparity.

To talk to a MODBUS slave, use the READMODBUS (11, x,x) or WRITEMODBUS ?11, x, x, x

To talk to OMRON slave, use the NETCMD$.

Please read the documentation on how to use the NETCMD$, READMODBUS and WRITEMODUS commands in your programmer's reference.

Technical support / Re: DAC output
« on: September 29, 2003, 10:09:47 PM »
You do need an operational amplifier circuit to convert 0-5V to +/-10V. Look through some OpAmp text books to get a circuit.  The circuit is not difficult. However, I tried to look around for a low cost, off-the-shelve converter but no luck.

Technical support / Re: Trilogic Software on a Pocket PC
« on: September 29, 2003, 10:18:37 PM »
So far there isn't a lot of interest from customers who want us to port the whole programming software to a Palm or a pocket PC. ?Technically it is a ?good challenge, but as a company we have to devote scarce engineering resources to area that is most relevant to customers. ?(E.g. We have just launched TRiLOGI version 5.3 that allows "View Protection" of OEM source code. You can obtain the upgrade now by following the "upgrade.htm" document in your CD-ROM.)

In the near future we may however look into providing some user interface software on Palm or Pocket PC that allows setting of timer/counter or internal data value.

Technical support / Re: Delays between Touch Screen HMI and PLC
« on: September 29, 2003, 10:33:09 PM »
There can be many possible reasons that lead to communication error.  First of all, make sure that nothing in your program code is writing to the COMM1 port (using statement such as PRINT, OUTCOMM, NETCMD$, READMODBUS or WRITEMODBUS, etc).

Are you using a lot of interrupt based functions in the PLC such as Stepper motor or  high speed counters. When generating high stepping rate or receiving high frequency signal the CPU spend most of its time servicing such task and less time in servicing the RTU. The RTU master may consider that the comm has failed if it did not receive a response within a short period of time. Try to change the timeout value in the HMI if possible. Also try to add time delay between each communication message exchange between the HMI and the PLC.  Also if there is a COMM error, set the HMI to automatically back off for a while before attempting  to communicate again.  Usually the HMI can recover from an occasional COMM error without breaking up with a COMM error message.

You may also want to use the SETPROTOCOL command to set the COMM1 to permanent RTU protocol so that it always respond to MODBUS RTU only.  This may help. However, note that if you use the SETPROTOCOL command then the COMM1 port will not respond to TLServer and you will not be able to use it for programming or on-line monitoring anymore. It will be good to use a special input to SETPROTOCOL the COMM1 back to native mode in order to do programming.

Technical support / Re: Modem Commands
« on: September 29, 2003, 10:44:35 PM »
Well, we will have to feedback this to the product development team as a "Wish list" item and let them decide if it is useful to add this feature. Since the PLC is mostly used in an industrial environment a LAN with permanent network connectivity there isn't really much demand for dial up access.

Currently we are able to provide a Java API library for Java program to write their own GUI to connect to the TLServer. We will look into providing similar connectivity for Visual Basic in future. Meanwhile, if you want to write VB program to interface to the PLC directly via COM port there is already sample program that you can download from the following link:

Technical support / Re: Modem Commands
« on: September 17, 2003, 03:24:14 PM »
Your PLC need not be connected to the PC that does not have the internet connection. TLServer can be running on any PC in any office LAN as long as the PC is able to access an SMTP server to send emails. . The PLC can be connected to this PC (that has the Internet access) via modems in order to send email. Of course it means that this PC must also have a modem to answer the phone call from the PLC.

Currently, the TLServer does not have the ability to perform the dial-up networking function. Honestly, I am not sure if the O/S will allow an application to quietly dial up the internet on its own and send out data. That sounds like a great security risk to me!

Technical support / Re: Modem Commands
« on: September 15, 2003, 01:27:13 PM »
Yes, you can use the T100MD888+ with an external modem. Is your TLServer version 2.0? If not please follow the upgrade.htm document in your CD-ROM to obtain an upgrade from our website. TLServer 2.0 implement a modem function that support auto answering of incoming calls. The PLC can dial the modem and make a connection to the TLServer. After connection is established it can then proceed to send an email via TLServer or to open a file on the PC to save/append data on the PC. After it has done what it needs, then it can hang up the phone. There are sample "Dialmodem.pc5" TRiLOGI files that demonstrate how to do that easily.  You can also view the following link for more information:

Technical support / Re: PLC Update time/Date Faulty
« on: September 29, 2003, 10:38:52 PM »
The date and time both have been changed. The reason you don't see it displayed on the LCD is because the "clock.pc5" program loaded in the PLC when it was shipped from factory only displays the date once upon power on reset. It does not keep displaying the date so the LCD doesn't show the new date.

What you need to do is to do an on-line monitoring and click on the "View" button and you will be able to see the new date in the Real Time Clock. You can then click on the "Reset" button and this time the LCD will show the new date.

Technical support / Re: PLC Update time/Date Faulty
« on: September 29, 2003, 10:38:27 PM »
The date and time both has been changed. The reason you don't see it displayed on the LCD is because the "clock.pc5" program loaded in the PLC when it was shipped from factory only displays the date once upon power on reset. It does not keep displaying the date so the LCD doesn't show the new date.

What you need to do is to do an on-line monitoring and click on the "View" button and you will be able to see the new date in the Real Time Clock. You can then click on the "Reset" button and this time the LCD will show the new date.

Technical support / Re: INTRDEF command
« on: October 01, 2003, 12:06:46 PM »
Note that Interrupt channel #3 corresponds to digital input #6.

INTRDEF 3,2,0 means function #2 will be executed once when input #6 goes from ON to OFF (falling edge).

To pause the whole program, the easiest way is to execute the PAUSE command. But the only way to reset the PLC is to turn OFF the power and ON again, or you have to go to the "On-line monitoring" screen to click on the "Pause" button to clear it.

Another way is to execute the RESET command which will reset the PLC back to its original state when power is first applied to the PLC.

Technical support / Re: What does "i" and "r" mean
« on: October 01, 2003, 11:59:47 AM »
A little "i" means that the contact is an input, "o" means output, "r" means internal relay, "t" means timer and "c" means counter.

You can press the <F3> key to toggle whether to display this little "i","r" etc.

Technical support / Re: LCD diplay problems
« on: October 13, 2003, 02:40:50 PM »
If this is happening to all the LCD, then it appears that the LCD display is affected by switching noise in your panel. It is important to ensure that the LCD cable not be bundled together with high voltage wire in the same conduit. There are  only 5V high impedance signals on the LCD cable and switching of inductive loads on the 24V or 120V wire can impose enough coupled electrincal noise to affect the display.

You may want to shield the LCD cable using some aluminium foil with grounding. Also ensure that you follow good electrical wiring rule by providing flyback diodes or varistor to all solenoid or contactor to snub the inductive back EMF. Although the drivers on the T100MD1616+ has built-in back emf diode to protect itself,  the cables linking the output driver to the load can still induce large enough voltage to affect the LCD display.  

Technical support / Re: ADC VOLTS
« on: October 27, 2003, 06:20:38 AM »
For T100MD1616+ you need to provide the 24V analog power supply to its designated terminal. Please refer to the T100MD1616+ installation guide for details.

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