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Messages - support

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Technical support / Re: easy way for one shot ?
« on: August 13, 2003, 08:48:06 PM »
If you want the oneshot output to turn OFF after the preset timer regardless of the logic level of input1, then you can connect input1 to a [DIFU] relay and use the relay to [Latch] the output. The output will only be latch again when input1 goes OFF and then ON again.

Technical support / Re: easy way for one shot ?
« on: August 13, 2003, 08:23:14 PM »
This is really easy to implement in ladder logic. A screen shot of the circuit is as follow:

You can download the "oneshot.pc5" from the following link:

Technical support / Re: PASSWORD
« on: August 15, 2003, 05:30:24 AM »
The default admin password is no password, unless you have actually created an administator password for it. You can try to login without password (just press <Enter> key at the password box) and see that is the case.

Re-installing the software actually will not remove the admin password. For security reason, we will email the instructions on how to reset your admin password to you. The procedure work only if you have physical access to the computer running the TLserver so remote hacker will not be able to breach the administrator role.  

Technical support / Re: 'S' Curve accelleration of Stepper Motors
« on: August 29, 2003, 03:32:55 PM »
Sorry, the stepper can only perform acceleration and deceleration in straightline profile. You may be able to use STEPSPEED to change the speed while stepper is still turning, that way you can accelerate quickly and then when it reaches certain speed, change it to higher speed. There isn't a very smooth way of performing such a step change of speed but it may be useful for certain situation.

Technical support / Re: Communications problem
« on: September 01, 2003, 09:08:05 PM »
The COMM2 port on T100MX PLC does not support hostlink commands or MODBUS commands,  so you can't
use it for on-line monitoring etc. Only COMM1 and COMM3 can respond to host link or modbus commands. This is clearly mentioned in the PLC's installation guide.

COMM2 is mainly for use by TBASIC commands such as INPUT$, INCOMM, PRINT #, OUTCOMM and NETCMD$. It supports only up to 19,200 bps baud rate and the only format supported is 8 data bit, 1 stop bit and no parity.

Technical support / Re: T100MD2424
« on: September 02, 2003, 12:45:17 PM »
Thanks for your kind remarks and vote of confidence in TRi?s products! It?s really great that there?s now a growing community of users who generously share their experiences in using TRi?s controllers in various projects. Thanks for contributing to the buzz.

Technical support / Re: Connecting to a SCADA system
« on: September 03, 2003, 06:33:28 AM »
Which PLC model are you using? Only T100MD and T100MX support MODBUS on their COMM1 and COMM3 port. All you need to do is to define the baud rate on the SCADA program to the default value of 38,400, 8 data bit, 1 stop bit and no parity, no handshaking and define the device ID to be the same as what you have defined for the PLC (default is 01), then it should work transparently. Even if there is no program in the PLC the SCADA will be able to work with the PLC's using the MODBUS protocol. ?In fact, your PLC program should not write anything out of the serial port otherwise it will interfere with the SCADA polling of the PLC slave and results in no communication. Normally there is no need to change the PLC's baud rate (using SETBAUD) unless your SCADA is unable to use the PLC's default baud rate.

The easiest way to test the communication is to read from MODBUS register 40001 (binary address 0), which maps to input 1-16, then turn ON any of the first 16 inputs on the PLC and observe the changes to the value of 40001.

you are using the bit mapping instead of word mapping, please download the following updated document for the MODBUS mapping to the PLC's register:

Technical support / Re: Using VB6 to interrorgate Analog inputs
« on: September 04, 2003, 07:20:26 PM »
The M-series PLC does not automatically queries the ADC ports unless you program it specifically to do so. So in order read an ADC value from AD input #n, you need to execute the ADC(n) function periodically to retrieve the readings. That can be easily achieved using a clock pulse and execute the ADC(n) function periodicaly.

Once the ADC(n) function is executed, you can then use the "RVS0Bnn" command to read the ADC data from its internal registers. Alternatively, if you have read the values into DM
  • variable by executing e.g.

  DM[10] = ADC(1)

then you can use the host link command "RVDxxxx" to read the value from the DM.

We have a sample VB6 program that you can download from our website to assist you in writing your comm routine with work with the PLC, as follow:

Technical support / Re: Power supply for analog inputs
« on: September 06, 2003, 10:24:39 AM »
I think you are referring to the following wirings. Yes, it should work: ?

The picture show wiring of 1 sensor but it can be extended to all 8 sensors.

What kind of sensors are you using? $400 per module is pretty steep. If you are measuring thermocouple or microVolt signal you may like to check out the I-7018 which can connect directly to thermocouple. ?For more info on I-70xx, please visit:

Technical support / Re: Power supply for analog inputs
« on: August 29, 2003, 03:49:03 PM »
The T100MD888+ automatically uses the PLC's power supply to provide reference voltage and supply current to its analog i/o so there is no need to connect external power supply to the analog i/os.

I am not sure if your sensors has isolated power supply for the transmitter, or whether the "-" terminal of the two-wire transmitter is in common with its negative power rail. If it does then you can use the same power supply for the PLC as for the sensor transmitter.

If not, then you have to check for isolation issue. If you are using 4-20mA two-wire transmitter, then it needs to be connected to a 250 Ohm resistor to turn into 1 to 5V. The "-" terminal of the two wire-transmitter has to be connected to the PLC' 0V power rail. You need to check whether if this would create a short circuit on the transmitter circuitry. Use a meter to measure the voltage between the "-" terminal of the transmitter and its power supply to see if there is any active voltage. There should not be a constant DC voltage between them otherwise you will need to use a different power supply for the transmitter so that there will not be a ground fault.

Technical support / Re: rtd
« on: September 10, 2003, 11:00:09 AM »
I assume you are using the RTD in series with a resistor to provide the voltage dividing effect as outlined in the document:

The only thing you need to check may be whether self-heating of the RTD may affect the readings slightly, but there should not be any long term ill effect on the connection.

Technical support / Re: rtd (PT100 sensor)
« on: November 17, 2002, 07:23:07 AM »
The quickest means is to buy a commercial PT100 signal conditioner that will output 0-5V, 0-20mA or 0-20mA (the latter two can be converted into voltage by using a 250 ohm resistor) and connect to the T100MD888+'s analog input.

You can also build a two-resistor voltage divider using the PT100 as one of the resistors and construct a simple opAmp to amplify the voltage drop across the PT100 resistance into 0-5V.  A sample circuit can be found at the following link:

Technical support / Re: Counter
« on: September 10, 2003, 11:11:08 AM »
Normal use of a down counter is by means of the output coil  -----(CTR) instead of [DNctr]. The latter is meant to be a ring counter which will roll over to the setvalue when it hits zero.

When a counter is reset, it is internally loaded with -1. That's how it is represented.

You can change the counter value anytime by assigning it with a new value in custom function:

 CTRPV[1] = 123   ' set the present value of the counter to 123.

Technical support / Re: Trilogi under Linux
« on: September 10, 2003, 11:41:34 AM »
Unfortunately, the promise of Java being a "Write once, run everywhere" is still not a reality. We have tested the java program on red hat linux and face similar problem. Testing the java on other linux platform or different JVM version produce different set of problems. So in order to make the program works in most Linux platform there is too much re-development work to justify the expense since there is still only a very small number of users wanting to use linux with TRiLOGI.  

Technical support / Re: LCD Current Limiting Resistor
« on: September 10, 2003, 11:06:37 AM »
The 150 ohm resistor is 5W in ratings. It is meant to be HOT! Anyway, if you can connect it in contact with some metal surface to help carry away the heat it is always appreciated! Otherwise, just good air flow will be sufficient.

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