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Technical support / Re: EZWire1616 Stepper controller OUTPUTs
« on: September 09, 2022, 09:09:27 AM »
Currently you can print out the entire online manual into a single PDF by using the browser's PRINT function and select "Save to PDF".

We just did that and uploaded the current version to our documents page:,%20Compiler,%20Simulator.pdf
It doesn't have a bookmark page linking to each chapter. We may manually put up one in future. i-TRiLOGI is still being updated with more cool IIoT functions being introduced so it is best to refer to the most up-to-date version online (

Technical support / Re: EZWire1616 Stepper controller OUTPUTs
« on: September 08, 2022, 01:19:54 PM »
Thank you for letting us know.

The best way to access the documentation for Fx1616-BA is to go to:

Scroll down and click on the "Documentation" tab and all the updated links are presented there:

Anyway, please see updated documentation links as follow:

Technical support / Re: EZWire1616 Stepper controller OUTPUTs
« on: September 07, 2022, 09:48:41 PM »
EZWire1616 is controlled by the SmartTILE-Fx CPU which is the same as that on Fx2424 and Fx1616-BA.

The default stepper motor channels for STEPPER 2 is indeed Outputs 9 & 10.   If you run a function that comprises only the following two lines:

   STEPSPEED 2,100,10
   STEPMOVE 2, 5000, 5

You should observe that the pulse are sent out of the output 10. If you run negative pulses then the direction signal will turn on Output #9.

SmartTILE-Fx does support 3 stepper channel so EZwire1616 should support 3 stepper channels as well.

When Fx1616-BA was released, there were only 4 high speed digital outputs 5 to 8  as all the other outputs are all relays. To support application that may want to use two stepper channel, we provided a special way of using output 7 & 8 as pulse and directional output for STEPPER #2. However, this is only activated when you run the stepper using

      STEPMOVE 32, count, relay#

I wonder if you have accidentally run the above command and thus observing stepper output on 7 & 8?

Technical support / Re: NANO-10 and Weintek MT8050iE 4.3" Touch panel
« on: August 15, 2022, 11:52:49 AM »

The simplest way to have all three devices connected simultaneously is to use Modbus RTU over the RS485 port for your TX4S as you had been doing, and then connect the HMI to the PLC via Ethernet.

The Nano-10 and MT8050iE can be connected directly via Ethernet or through a switch. I assume you are programming the Nano over Ethernet, so you would need a switch in order to have both the PC and HMI communicating with the Nano.

Using the TRi_Fx driver, you should be able to communicate via Ethernet. Alternatively, you can use the Modbus TCP driver provided by Weintek.

Technical support / Re: Omron Host Link communication with Tri-PLC
« on: June 19, 2022, 09:34:27 AM »
Thank you very much for letting us know that you are able to communicate with Omron PLC using the NETCMD$.

I assume that the "C-mode commands" protocol format must be backward compatible with its original "Host Link Command" protocol. So it is good to learn that TRi PLCs are still able to talk to these newer generation of Omron PLCs. As long as you get a list of the C-mode commands from Omron manual you should able to read/write to registers that are only available to newer generation of Omron.

Note that the new MQTT capable, WiFi/RS485 Wx100 PLCs also support the NETCMD$ command via its RS485 or TCPIP communication channel.  So you can use the Wx100 as a very low cost controller to serve the Omron PLCs. E.g you can use the Wx100 to read data from Omron PLC via RS485 and then publish the data to MQTT via WiFi when certain conditions are met (e.g temperature exceeds certain threshold) . It opens up a lot of possibility to perform very sophisticated industrial IoT functions.

Since Wx100 can also act as a Modbus RTU (RS485) master or as a Modbus TCP client it can interact with a mix of factory equipment that uses Omron and any Modbus compatible controllers to provide IoT service without the need to re-engineer older equipment that contain controllers which are not capable of doing IIoT.

For more info, please visit:

Technical support / Re: TCP-IP and ID goes to 0xFF
« on: April 13, 2022, 09:56:25 AM »
Does your FMD PLC have FRAM-RTC?

If the PLC does not have FRAM-RTC installed, then are you using a power failure interrupt routine to save parameters using SAVE_EEPx to non-volatile memory  during a power failure? Or is your program running the SETTIMERSV or SETCTRSV command during operation and need to be saved to non volatile memory before power failure?

Please refer to Section "1.7.2  Non-Volatile Data Store" in the FMD PLC User Manual which explains how the pseudo EEPROM works and why you could lose data if power failure interrupt routine is not given enough time to back up the pseudo EEPROM data to flash memory.

When you power down a machine by turning off the AC power, the DC output of the power supply usually have enough capacitance to gradually decay to zero so the power failure interrupt routine can work properly.

When you press the emergency stop button, did you cut off the DC power supply to the PLC immediately? If so then the interrupt service routine is not given enough time to save the parameters. What happens is that the flash sector is erased but the CPU did not have enough time to copy the pseudo EEPROM data to the flash and therefore you lose the Ethernet parameters as well.

If you wire your emergency stop button such that it only cuts off power to the I/O but not to the PLC, then this issue should not happen.

Alternatively, organize your program so that if you need to save some data to non-volatile memory or need to change the timer or counter set values using the SETTIMERSV or SETCTRSV, then do so in the main program itself and execute the SETSYSTEM 252, 0 command to backup the new data to the flash memory  immediately so that the CPU will not attempt to save the changed data to flash memory during power failure. Of course you should take into consideration that there is a 100K erase/write limit to flash memory and therefore your program must avoid erasing/rewriting to the flash memory so often that exceeds its life cycle limit and wear out the flash memory.

Technical support / Re: Nano10 MCU chip temperature
« on: February 27, 2022, 04:09:55 PM »
The Nano-10 CPU can get quite warm due to the integrated Ethernet PHY on the main CPU. It is however well within the chip's operating temperature range and has never become an issue for all the applications that it has been used in so far. If the control panel that contains the Nano-10 is very tight air space and completely sealed then adding a heat sink or a fan would certainly lower the temperature a bit.

Technical support / Re: Nano10 RS-485 Modbus termination
« on: February 22, 2022, 01:17:08 PM »
Thank you very much for sharing your experience which we are sure will benefit other users.

Some RS485 devices do require biasing on pull-up and down on its RS485 port to work properly. In most low speed and short cable applications the Nano-10 PLCs would not require biasing and it is likely that the power monitor is the party that requires biasing on its RS485 bus line.

Actually in Chapter 15.5 of the Nano-10 User Manual (please download from there is a section describing the RS485 that also suggest using biasing resistors for more robust communication, as shown in the screen capture below:

Technical support / Re: PWM and STEPMODE
« on: February 02, 2022, 10:43:19 AM »

SETPWM  ch, duty, freq

If you set the duty to < 0 it will reset the PWM channel

so please try:  SETPWM 1, -1, 0

News / Re: Release of New i-TRiLOGI Version 6.7 & 7.4
« on: September 13, 2021, 07:52:22 PM »
Are you referring to the PLC or the i-TRiLOGI software?

The new Wx100 PLC can be viewed at

The detailed user manual for the Wx100 as well as i-TRiLOGI can be viewed at at

You can upgrade your i-TRiLOGI software by clicking on the "Help" and then select "Upgrade TRiLOGI" link.

Thank you.

News / Re: Release of New i-TRiLOGI Version 6.7 & 7.4
« on: August 02, 2021, 11:58:31 PM »
To upgrade your i-TRiLOGI, please click on its “Help” menu and select the “TRiLOGI Upgrade” option to visit the download link.

Even if you are not yet using Wx100 features (graphical display, keypad and WiFi) the i-TRiLOGI 6.7 and 7.4 provides more programmer-friendly features that can help you write and test your program quicker so it is worthwhile upgrading to the new version.

Technical support / Re: Handling more than 1000 #Define entries
« on: June 30, 2021, 10:11:06 AM »
i-TRiLOGI 7.4 is released to support all the new features (the integrated 16-key keypad and a 128 x 64 pixel OLED display as well as WiFi configuration) in the new Wx100 PLC (, but is also tested to work with all other Super PLCs such as the Nano-10, FMD, Fx and any SmartTILE-Fx based custom PLCs.

In response to your feedback we decided to expand the #DEFINE table to 2000 entries when the final version is released.

One more feature that you may find helpful to manage large #DEFINE table is to use the Excel file "ExcelDefineTable.xlsm" in the "C:\TRiLOGI\TL74" folder.

You can export the #Define table to a text file and the "Import"  macro in the spreadsheet can import the text file into Excel, allowing you more powerful tools in Excel to manage the table. After the table has been updated, click the "Export" button to run a macro to export the updated file back to a text file which can then be imported into i-TRiLOGI 7.4. 

We would like to thank the Expert Member of this forum - Gary Dickinson for his suggestion and help in creating the "ExcelDefineTable.xlsm"

Technical support / Re: Timer Repeatability (consistency)
« on: June 22, 2021, 06:00:56 PM »
Thank you for your question. What is the range of elapsed time that is of interest? Is it in milliseconds, seconds, hours or days?

You could use the PLC's timer to measure elapsed time in 0.1 or 0.01 second resolution. But if the elapsed time is measured in seconds and minutes, then an accurate real-time-clock (preferably one that is synchronized to the Internet time server) will ensure that the measured elapsed time will forever be consistent.

Technical support / Re: Ability to pull program from PLC for backup?
« on: June 16, 2021, 10:46:27 AM »
Thank you for your question. TRi PLCs are designed for OEM equipment builders where protection of their intellectual property is important. As such there is no mechanism for pulling the program off the PLC internal flash memory back to a PC, therefore protects against unauthorized copying or modification of the control program. The OEM equipment builder is the entity that has the original source file.

i-TRiLOGI software also provides a tool for OEM to generate a compiled file (.CO5) which can be sent to the equipment user to load the program into a new PLC if a replacement PLC is needed. This could be a file that some OEMs may be willing to provide to their end customers.

You can however retrieve the program name, the date of file creation and file transfer by using the i-TRiLOGI software: "Controller->Open Matching Source File". With these information you can try to contact the supplier of the equipment to see if they are willing to provide you with copy of the program (it could be a .PC5, .PC6 or .PC7) or a compiled .CO5 file for your backup purpose.

Technical support / Re: I do not get interruptions with FMD88
« on: May 30, 2021, 08:56:06 AM »
You are right that current version of i-TRiLOGI does not simulate interrupt. Different model of our PLCs have different mapping of the interrupts channel to the physical inputs, so we did not add that function to the simulator to avoid confusing the users.

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