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Technical support / Re: dc motor wont stop running in setpwm
« on: July 24, 2003, 08:03:59 AM »
Remember, pulse monitoring (PMON) channel #1 is digital input #3 and PMON channel #2 is input #4.

Most likely you have connected to the wrong input. Please read page 1-2 on your User's Manual to see the mapping of the special I/Os to the PLC's regular digital I/Os.

When there is no pulses arriving on a PMON input, it will saturates at maximum timing value and the frequency is reported to be zero.

Technical support / Re: dc motor wont stop running in setpwm
« on: July 23, 2003, 10:36:40 PM »
Can you explain how you program to turn ON output #8? You mentioned PWM and yet you said you want it to turn ON when the INPUT is ON and turn OFF when the switch to the input is OFF? If you are using it as an ON/OFF only output, then you can just treat it like a regular output and not use its PWM feature. e.g.

    IN1                                            OUT1

You only use the SETPWM output if you want to use the duty cycle to control speed to the motor. In that case, when the switch is OFF, you should trigger a [DIFD] funciton such that another custom function is executed to SETPWM to 0 duty cycle and the motor will be shut off.

    IN1                                                                RLY1
|    RLY1                                                  Fn_#2
|---||---------{dCusF}  ' Fn_#2 SETPWM to 0%

Technical support / Re: dc motor wont stop running in setpwm
« on: July 23, 2003, 06:50:02 AM »
What do you mean by "turning OFF" the PWM channel. Do you mean you set PWM to zero period or do you mean using a physical switch to cut the supply current to the motor?

Note that you can change the speed of the motor by changing the duty cycle provide the frequency of the PWM matches that of the motor time constant. Try a different frequency e.g. 2KHz or 8KHz. The highest frequency (32 KHz) may not always work with all the motors. Some motors require you to add a bypass capacitor in order to be driven by high frequency PWM signal.

Technical support / Re: HVAC Control
« on: July 28, 2003, 11:13:54 AM »
I tried compiling your program, first without defining the label for OUT3 and OUT4 and I got syntax error. After defining the label name for OUT3 and OUT4 in the output table then the program compiled without any problem.

Note that to use SETIO or CLRIO, the label name for the I/O bit that you want to set/clear must be defined in the table. OUT1 does not automatically means output #1. It is just a label name and can be any I/O bit (yes, it can also be a timer or counter bit! although there is little reason for doing so since it can confuse you).

Technical support / Re: TL server loses connection
« on: July 30, 2003, 07:42:17 AM »
Running the stepper at 20KHz means the CPU is spending much more time servicing the stepper channel than the serial comm. You may like to try to extend the timeout on the TLServer to longer time and see if the problem can be resolved.

In this case, it may be easier to debug using the LCD display to show the parameters of interest, or slow down the stepper when you need to perform debugging and then set it back to full speed when the PC is offline.

There is no further update for TLServer 2.0 at the moment. In any case this is not a software problem. It is just that the CPU need to give higher priority to servicing the stepper channel to ensure that the output waveform is an acceptable continous waveform.

Technical support / Re: TL server loses connection
« on: July 29, 2003, 09:32:36 PM »
Usually the PLC should be able to respond to communication even if it is quite busy unless it is performing near its limit such as driving the two stepper channel at 10KHz.

Are you using the Auto485 adapter for on-line monitoring or a third party RS485 converter?

Can you try transfering a simple program (e.g. blank program) to the PLC and then perform online monitoring and do you encounter the same problem of frequent lost communication? If you do encounter the same problem then it could be the PC's serial port, RS485 converter or even the RS485 driver IC on the PLC (75176) that is having compatibility or functional problem.

If you don't encounter lost communication while monitoring simple or blank program, then examine if any part of your program could be writing out to the RS485 port (e.g. PRINT #3, NETCMD$, OUTCOMM, READMODBUS or WRITEMODBUS). ?

Technical support / Re: darlington transistor is not functioning
« on: August 01, 2003, 07:29:38 PM »
From your description, the darlington transistor array you used is actually working perfectly!!

When you supply 0V to ULN2003A input, the corresponding output is turned OFF (i.e. open circuit).

When you supply 5V to the ULN2003A input, the corresponding output is turned ON and the purpose is to conduct the current to ground (0V). However, there is always a voltage drop of about 0.7 to 0.8V so it is not a perfect switch unlike  relay contact but it will still serve the purpose of sinking current from the load.

Hence, when you connect the output of the ULN2003A to the input #3 and #4 of the PLC, it will turn ON the PLC input when the voltage is 0.7V and turned OFF the PLC input when open circuit.

Technical support / Re: Jogging with a joystick
« on: August 06, 2003, 11:29:00 AM »
It depends on what you want to do. The post you read was based on the assumption that the joy stick is used to position the coordinate of the x-y axis according to the position of the joy stick.

Your purpose is to use the position of the joy stick to command the motor to move or to stop and the speed of movement is to be proportional to the reading from the position of the joy stick. I assume that when the joy stick is in the middle position there is zero speed on both x and y direction?

In this case when you want to command the stepper motor to move, you can ask the stepper to move a large number of pulses so that the motor will turn continuously. The initial speed is low but when the joy stick move towards the left or the right you can run the STEPSPEED command while motor is turning to change the speed on the fly. When the joy stick changes direction you have to execute the step stop to stop the movement and then execute STEPMOVE again in the reverse direction to continue motion.

(Note: PLC with firmware revision before r39 does not support speed change on the fly. These are PLC manufactured before year 2001)

Technical support / Re: MD-HMI
« on: August 12, 2003, 10:03:24 PM »
Do you have a copy of the Installation guide for the HMI? If not you can download a copy from our website. It explains how the HMI keys and LEDs are assigned according to whether the PLC is a MD888+, 1616+, 2424+ and whether an expansion board is used. All these affects the locations of the I/Os on the HMI and that's may be the reason why you feel confused. However, the T100MD+ and expansion board can be combined in many ways and understanding how the I/Os are assigned in each configuration is important in your programming. If in doubt, put the PLC in online monitoring and press the key to see which input lights up and you will then have an idea.

Technical support / Re: MD-HMI
« on: August 11, 2003, 10:05:59 PM »
The position of the HMI keys and LEDs are fixed and you  can't just assign it to any inputs or outputs that you choose. For  your case, the key will correspond to input #17 to #32 and the LED  will correspond to output #17 to #32. If you adhere to its assigned  position you should be able to get it to work.

Technical support / Re: Programming using a Device Server
« on: August 12, 2003, 10:10:18 PM »
When the "Success" message appears, the program has been compiled successfully. But when the TRiLOGI software try to communicate with the PLC (via your virtual com port and UDS-10 IAP) something it receive is not normal and that's why it could not proceed. It doesn't matter if it is RS485 or RS232 since both serial ports can be used for programming.

It is difficult for us to understand what went wrong during the conversion of the ASCII string via virtual com port -> ethernet -> UDS-10 IAP -> RS485 to the PLC.  If you are located in the US and you are willing to send a unit of UDS-10 IAP to us for testing, then we can try to track the communication and see where it fails in order to find a fix around it. You can email to us at to make arrangement. We may need to hold on to the unit for a week or so to test it.

Technical support / Re: Programming using a Device Server
« on: August 05, 2003, 08:44:27 AM »
Yes, the customer who used the MOXA had no problem transferring program to the PLC.

If you are able to monitor the PLC, then we don't see why you can't program the PLC since program transfer is also done by the similar communication protocol as the monitoring. Could you describe the error message you get when trying to transfer program? Which stage did the transfer break down?

Technical support / Re: Programming using a Device Server
« on: August 04, 2003, 04:30:03 PM »
I assume Lantronix UDS-10 IAP is an Ethernet to RS485 converter?

You can't use the TRiLOGI client to directly address the the Ethernet port on a converter since TRiLOGI assume the availability of a TLServer with its own proprietary login procedure.

Does the Lantronix UDS-10 IAP support a virtual com port? If ?it does, you can run TLServer and use the virtual com port for communication with the UDS-10 IAP. You will still need to run the TLServer and the TRiLOGI still have to login to the TLServer. The TLServer in turn communicates with the Ethernet converter via the virtual comm port. We have customers who have successfully used the DE-311 Ethernet to RS232 converter (mfg by MOXA) in this manner.

Technical support / Re: windows xp for E-10 relay?
« on: August 13, 2003, 08:26:50 PM »
Probably before end of the year.

Meanwhile, you could use a DOS or Win98/ME boot disk to boot up your computer into pure DOS mode and run DOS TriLOGI. The DOS TRiLOGI is very stable product since it has been around for 10 years and is really easy to use.

Technical support / Re: Does excel link really work ?
« on: August 13, 2003, 08:40:48 PM »
Quite a number of customers have used the ExcelLink successfully.  Note that ExcelLink operation is pretty complex. It has to interact between the MS Excel spreadsheet via DDE and the TLServer program via TCP/IP, while the TLServer interacts with the PLC. As such, both MS Excel and TLServer must already be running before you run ExcelLink.  

ExcelLink also need to interact with JRE, DDE and a lot of operating system related factors that can sometime affect the operation of ExcelLink on certain computers. If you encounter a lot of exception errors, try to run your PC "lean" with just the essential programs. When you load and unload lots of other program, the Windows O/S tend to become unstable and can affect proper operation of the ExcelLink program.

You can try to install the ExcelLink program on another PC and see if it improves the operation. In all the computers we tested we could leave ExcelLink running for days without even any communication error.

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