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Messages - support

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Technical support / Re: Wiring assembly for A/I
« on: July 17, 2003, 08:34:58 AM »
You can purchase a D-sub connector with a crimp end which allows you to quickly crimp 15 conductor ribbon cable to it and you can then split the ribbon cable to get to the signals. Check and search for D-sub crimp connector.

If there are enough demand (say 100 pieces at least) we can make a board with screw terminals and connect to the T100MD888+ PLC's analog port via ribbon cabled D-sub connectors.

T100MD1616+ and T100MD2424+ both have screw terminals for their ADCs.

Technical support / Re: Frequency/DI to Analog
« on: July 18, 2003, 06:53:22 AM »
I believed you have emailed the same question to us, but our reply to your email address was unsuccessful. The reply is the same as below:

Please read page 1-1 of the User's Manual which show
you the mapping of the pulse measurement input with the
physical input. Please note that PM channel #1 is input
#3 and PM channel #2 is input #4. So your pulses must
feed through input #3 and #4 for their respective PMON.
Also the voltage of the pulse input must be compatible
with the PLC input. Did you observe that the input
logic status where the pulse stream is connected has
been turned  ON and OFF repeatedly when performing
online monitoring?

Technical support / Re: Frequency/DI to Analog
« on: June 25, 2003, 07:20:26 AM »
You can always use the

IF TESTIO(inputlabelname) THEN

The above test the condition of the DI, and based on the result execute the correct routine. Please read up on the IF THEN ELSE instruction. These are basic programming that you have to learn. There is no "CAN" solution to all programming problem in the world.

Technical support / Re: Frequency/DI to Analog
« on: June 24, 2003, 02:41:44 PM »
It is unbelievably easy to perform frequency measurement using the T100MD pulse measurement capabiliy ;D . All you need to do is to  execute the PMON 1 function once to enable input #3 as a frequency measurement input. Once enabled, you then simply use the PULSEFREQUENCY(1)  function to read the frequency of the pulses appearing at the input #3. E.g.

  SETDAC 1,F       ' direct output without scaling.

You can measure from 1 Hz to 10000 Hz. You can either execute the above function every scan or use a clock pulse to periodically read the pulse frequency.

The value read into F can then be scaled to whatever value you want or output directly to the analog output using the SETDAC command as shown in the example above.

However, IMHO, using the analog I/O as interface between the PLC and the microcontroller is not exactly  the best method. You could actually design your own communication protocol in the microcontroller so that the frequency value read by the T!00MD+ PLC can be transfered to the microcontroller using the RS485 port without incurring any potential inaccuracy introduced by the analog interface.

Technical support / Re: Ladder Logic Programming Tutorial
« on: July 18, 2003, 07:19:51 AM »
In order to use AI in our PLC you need to use the TBASIC custom function ADC(n). You can use a clock pulse to periodically execute a custom function that contains the ADC(n) statement to get frequent update of the analog data.

The simulator support AI simulation. You can enter the AI data at the logic simulator screen.

Technical support / Re: Capacitors blowing
« on: July 20, 2003, 11:43:21 AM »
If the capacitor is rated at 50V then it should be able to withstand 24VDc power. Do check the polarity of connection. Connecting an E-cap in reverse polarity to the applied power almost always result in a blown capacitor as the electrolyte conducts current and the self heating of the electrolyte will eventually blows itself apart.

One other possibility may be the authenticity of the ratings on the capacitors. There are some unscrupulous traders in some third world areas that routinely export knock off of brand name capacitors (i.e. counterfeit goods) and what is wrapped under the label may not be a capacitor that can withstand the actual voltage rating.

Technical support / Re: Capacitors blowing
« on: July 18, 2003, 07:25:22 AM »
1) Which PLC model are you using?

2) Which capacitor? Is it the one on the PLC or the capacitor that you have added? What is the voltage rating of the capacitor?  The voltage rating must be higher than the actual voltage applied on the cap.

3) If it is the one on the PLC and you have replaced the capacitor with correct rating and it still blow,then you should send the board back to the supplier or to us for checking to find out the cause of the problem.

Technical support / Re: System Variable Index Out-of-range
« on: July 20, 2003, 11:51:14 AM »
INPUT[n] returns a 16-bit word.

  INPUT[1] represents input bit 1 to 16,
  INPUT[2] represents input bit 17 to 32

  INPUT[16] represents input bit 241 to 256

The maximum allowable index for INPUT[n] is n = 16.
Going beyond that or if N < 0 will result in run time error.

To read the status of a single bit, it need to use either the TESTBIT or TESTIO command. TESTBIT commands requires you to input the bit position (0 to 15) of the bit within a word. TESTIO command is easier if you have already defined the label name for an I/O on the I/O table.

Technical support / Re: Servo motor
« on: July 21, 2003, 08:38:50 AM »
1) Output 10 volts mean that the PLC has to have analog output 0-10V. Only the T100MD1616+ has an analog output that can drive 0-10V load.

2) RS485 is communication interface and has nothing to do with the analog output. RS485 does not need 10V output. All our M-series PLC have RS485 so any model can use this method to interface to the servo motor.

3) You need to get the servo motor's communication protocol and then write a custom function to output the needed command strings to talk to the SERVO motor. Most likely you will use the NETCMD$ command to talk to the servo motor controller. There are other command available to talk to 3rd party devices: PRINT #, INPUT$, ?INCOMM, OUTCOMM.

4) You cannot use READMODBUS or WRITEMODBUS commands unless your servo motor support the MODBUS protocols.

5) There is no need to connect the PLC to the PC's modem. You just need a serial cable between the PLC and the PC. The PC will need to run the TLServer and have an internet connection. The PC's internet connection can be by any method (dialup, LAN, Wifi. whatever). Once the PC is connected to the internet the PLC become accessible by TRiLOGI client via the Internet.

Technical support / Re: stepper motor heating up
« on: July 22, 2003, 12:19:04 PM »
If your stepper motor is supposed to run on 5V supply then you should not connect it to 24V. Using a resiser to limit the current is not a good solution.

The 2.2K resistor we recommend is for interfacing to the stepper DRIVER input, not the stepper motor itself. You have to try to understand the differences between the two. The stepper driver may be using 5V for its input interface but the stepper motor itself may be powered by 5V, 9V, 12V, 24V or even 48V and these voltages are normally independent or isolated from the 5V interface input.

Technical support / Re: Host-Link Command - Write Inputs
« on: July 24, 2003, 07:15:11 AM »
Input #16 belongs to channel 00. So you should be writing to "WI0080*" to turn ON input 16.  However, note that doing so will also affect input #1 to 15 by turning them OFF momentarily. This may have effect on your ladder logic program.

The correct way of doing it is to first read from channel 00 usign RI00*. Then use the OR mask to set the bit of interest:

      INVAR = INVAR | &H80   ' force bit 15 to ON

Then write it back to the PLC using the

"WI00"+ INVAR (converted to two digit hex)+"*"+CR.

Technical support / Re: Analogue Refresh Rates
« on: July 24, 2003, 08:00:06 AM »
The built-in ADC has repeatability of about +/- 3LSB, which is about +/- 12 counts since the reading is amplified by 4 due to internal scaling.  Input with 0.1uF capacitors should be more stable due to the filtering of switching noise imposed on the analog by the digital side of the PLC.

Technical support / Re: Analogue Refresh Rates
« on: July 21, 2003, 08:28:32 AM »
If you need to read the analog data at high speed then you need to execute a non-differentiated custom function {CusFn} at every scan of the ladder program. Within the custom function you are reading the ADC input value to make a decision. Note that any SETIO or SETBIT command executed within a custom function will not update the physical output until the end of the ladder logic scan. Hence, if you need to turn on an output within this custom function, then you should allow this custom function to end so that the ladder logic can scan to the end of the whole ladder program and the physical output can be updated.  

If you are already doing the above and feel that the input ADC is not updating quick enough, then you may have to remove the 0.1uF capacitor at the corresponding ADC input. The 0.1uF acts as a low pass filter and is meant to filter out the high frequency switching noise but it also means that the frequency response is altered.

Note that ADC input #7 and #8 do not have 0.1uF capacitor. So a quick way to test if the 0.1uF cap is affecting your need for high refresh rate is to move your sensor output to the ADC #7 or #8 and change your ADC(n) command accordingly.

Technical support / Re: PWM outputs
« on: July 25, 2003, 08:04:05 AM »
If you attach a heat sink properly to the metal tab on the MOSFET (IRL530 for MD888+) and have constant air flow pass the heat sink to bring out the generated heat then you should be pretty safe.

Maximum duty cycle allowable is 100% as long as the heat issue is taken care of. At 50% duty, the heat will be reduced by half. Hence you could have a 20% duty cycle for 10A current output which is equivalent to 2A at 100% duty cycle.

Thank you for your nice comments. The M-series PLC's unique Ladder+BASIC langugage is different from the pure ladder logic based PLCs offered by other vendors and we are glad to learn that you do enjoy programming our PLCs.

Technical support / Re: PWM outputs
« on: July 24, 2003, 04:18:26 PM »
Maximum current for for output #7 and #8 for T100MD888 and T100MD2424 are:

1) Peak at 10A
2) Continuous at 2A for 100% duty cycle without heat sink.

The MOSFET actually can take higher current but you will then need to attach heat sink to the MOSFET's metal tab and also provide forced air cooling to the heat sink.

For T100MD1616+, the peak current is 1A and continuos current is 250mA.

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