This is a one-time purchase for customers who do not already own a license for i-TRILOGI. It is often purchased as part of a PLC Starter Kit.
It is not necessary to own an i-TRiLOGI license to run a PLC programmed in i-TRiLOGI, but it is necessary to have a license to use the i-TRiLOGI software to write a program. The license is assigned to the individual or the legal business entity that made the purchase. If you are unsure whether your company owns such a license, please contact our Customer Service to inquire.
The license and download access for the software will be emailed to the customer upon completion of the order placement. Customers have to ensure that a valid and correct email ID is provided when making the purchase online.
Note : Evaluation/Education version of i-TRiLOGI. Triangle Research International offers free download of an evaluation/education version of i-TRiLOGI on our website. This version will not support upload of programs into a PLC.