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Technical support / Re: EEprom Cycles for a data log
« Last post by support on November 29, 2022, 08:11:57 AM »
The EEPROM on Wx100 has erase/write cycle life of 1 million cycles. Erasing and writing of EEPROM cells does take a bit of time and may affect the PLC scan time. When you save a string to the EEPROM you are saving multiple bytes of data (up to 40 bytes per string) so the time delay multiplies by the number of bytes.

If you are developing an OEM equipment that you intend to manufacture in quantity (> 100 per year) then it is possible to add other useful components that can enhance your application need such as FRAM (works like EEPROM but with no life limit and a lot faster - writing to FRAM takes very little time since there is no "erase" cycles to deal with).

Wx100 is an excellent brain board platform (similar to our SmartTILE-Fx brain board system) that allows OEM customers to design and build their own custom carrier board (we call these "terminal boards" in Wx100) which can include customized components such as FRAM and battery-backed RTC (for applications that have no internet connection but still need to keep a real time clock running).  Please contact to discuss your application if you wish to pursue an OEM custom terminal board design.

We are currently also adding new HTTP client capability which allows Wx100 to very easily connect to a HTTP or HTTPS web server to upload data via HTTP POST protocol, or download data from a web server via HTTP GET protocol. You can also log data to local data files in your PLC file system and then periodically upload the selected files to web server via HTTP mutlipart POST protocol before deleting it. This is in addition to the support of MQTT protocol already available on your Wx100 and thus further enhancing its IIoT capability.

You may like to consider using these new capability to log your data to a web server for permanent storage when it becomes available (should be pretty soon). Please register your interest by emailing to: and we will contact you to provide free upgrade instructions when the new software and firmware are released.
Technical support / EEprom Cycles for a data log
« Last post by uknanoman on November 29, 2022, 01:50:29 AM »
Hi Tech
          I am currently using your new wx100 series to develop a control system for a silo filling control system. One of my requirements is to be able to log data as various events happen,
currently for each event I have used the code below - albeit with varying text on the end according to the event - to write the data to the EEprom area

X$ = STR$(DATE[3])+ " "+STR$(DATE[3])+" "+STR$(DATE[2])+ " "+STR$(DATE[1])+ " "+STR$(TIME[2])+ ":"+STR$(TIME[3])+ " "+ "Enter Button Activated"
Save_eep$ X$,Datalogpointer
Call Incdatalogpointer

The datalogpointer variable simply gets incremented by every call to Incdatalogpointer and eventually reset after say 100 datalogs.
this seems to work ok apart from some strange goings on of the eeprom manager when reading back what I have written.

My question is twofold
1) How many times on the wx100 can the eeprom be written / rewritten
2) Is this the fastest way to do it as I notice a delay in the plc scan cycle when actuating this code


Technical support / Re: MBTCP Time-out was 0 , what does it do
« Last post by support on November 15, 2022, 06:50:13 PM »
If the MBTCP time-out is set to zero then the firmware will automatically adjust the MBTCP server time-out to 20 seconds.

Note that this time-out is for the PLC acting as slave (Server) to an external Modbus TCP master (client). 

Did you try to run "PRINT #4 "<TCPCONNECT xxxx>"? Note that TCPCONNECT is for the PLC to act as a client to access an external TCP server. It is not to be used to configure the PLC as a Modbus TCP server.

I checked the Moxa 5230 - it appears to be a MODBUS TCP-to-MODBUS RTU gateway converter? If you want to access the serial port on the Fx1616-BA PLC from an external Mobdus TCP master then MOXA 5230 can be used but you must configure the serial port on the MOXA to be compatible to that on the PLC. I don't understand why do you want to do that since you can already directly access the PLC via its Ethernet port...
Technical support / MBTCP Time-out was 0 , what does it do
« Last post by on November 14, 2022, 10:06:53 AM »
I have an HMI connected to a FX1616-Ba  using modbus over ethernet, I am also trying to add an extra serial port by doing a TCPconnect to a moxa 5230, when I connect (tcpconnect) to the moxa, the hmi complains about a lack of connection. increasing this value from 0 to 2 improves it greatly but not eliminates the problem. what happens if I take this value even higher?
many thanks
There isn't a Special Clock Pulse bit with a period of 2 seconds.

But there is a 1 second period clock named "Clk:1.0s.

You can use a COUNTER to generate a 2 second clock from Clk:1.0s

The trick is to make the COUTNER count up with the use of special function coil, [UpCntr].

A COUNTER with a set value of 1 will count 0,1,0,1... as an up-counter. The contact for the COUTNER will be active on the "0" count time period.

I have attached a screen shot of of the ladder logic to get this to happen.

Good luck,
Gary Dickinson
Technical support / How to send Clock Pulse of 2s using the Special Clock Pulse bit
« Last post by suhelens on November 10, 2022, 11:22:45 PM »
Hi! A bit new to TriPLC. This may be a simple question but how do I trigger a coil every 2s using the Special bit Clock pulse?
Technical support / Re: PLC INPUT Interrupt Behavior
« Last post by Lorne Van Dusen on November 08, 2022, 07:01:28 AM »
Gary I had had a similar issue and when I did some detailed testing I discovered that there was a 24VDC relay that was connected to a PLC output and the manufacture of the equipment forgot to install a diode across the coil. Be-leave it or not that spike created cause the PLC to call my interrupt that I used to reset the HSC value. 
I found out with some help from tech support that within the interrupt I could disable the interrupt then I could do a quick Refresh and read the input that was tied to the interrupt which now is at level logic then reset my HSC value then re-enable the interrupt . All this added less than 1ms which actually prevented the spike from resetting the HSC and was still more than fast enough to reset the HSC value instantly. 
Technical support / Re: PLC INPUT Interrupt Behavior
« Last post by garysdickinson on November 07, 2022, 01:34:35 PM »

I think your approach is reasonable. 

The feedback that I got from TRI is that the behaviors vary by PLC family. 

1. The Wx100 is based on a very different processor and the state of the physical INPUTs may continued to be visible to ladder logic while being used as an interrupt source. This is not the case with Fx based PLCs or the older FMD based PLCs.

2. There is some sort of debounce logic on INPUTs to filter out bounces that show up with mechanical contacts.  This mechanism is turned off for those INPUTs that are being used as INPUTs on some PLC  families.  The debounce mechanism is be based on ladder logic scan boundaries and may require more than a single scan to get settled.

The bottom line is that it can take one or more full scans of the ladder logic on most PLC families from when an INPUT interrupt is disabled until that INPUT's true state is visible to ladder logic.

Thanks for helping me think through this stuff.

Gary d

Technical support / Re: PLC INPUT Interrupt Behavior
« Last post by Lorne Van Dusen on November 03, 2022, 12:58:40 PM »
I think you have the right idea but you are over doing it.
Leave the Interrupt as a Rising Edge trigger then in the first line of the function disable the interrupt then do a REFRESH of the IO then do a TESTBIT of the input you want then you can set any relay you want or reset any counters etc.
Then before you exit turn the interrupt back on.
Then in your ladder logic you can reset the relay you set in the function any way you want
Frequently Asked Questions / Re: can we send sms?
« Last post by Sandy76 on October 31, 2022, 06:55:12 PM »
If your mobile phone can be connected to a PC HyperTerminal to send and receive text string as well as respond to AT command then you can use the TBASIC language to talk to your mobile phone. Hope it helps. 

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