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Technical support / WX100 WIFI Connection Status
« Last post by uknanoman on January 04, 2023, 10:38:01 AM »
Hi Support
               In my current application I would like to know the status of the WIFI Connection, is there a specific bit I can test that gives me the connection state of the WIFI so that I can make decisions based on whether it has connected to a WIFi network or not? I did have a look at the STATUS(14) bit 6 command but I am not sure if this distinguishes between the fact that the WX100 is connected to a wireless network or that a client (remote user) is connected through that network? My end game here is to only allow my application main code to run if the wx100 has connected to the local WIFI network and if not, then display a message to indicate the fact. Some extra clarification would be appreciated.
Regards Peter     
Technical support / Re: Erratic Online Monitoring of I/O Tables with WX100
« Last post by uknanoman on January 03, 2023, 04:29:43 AM »
Hi Tech Support
                       Here's an attached screen shot of the problem when just after the failure occurs. In this case the monitoring lasted for about 10 secs before locking. The time period before locking does appear to be variable. The dos window contains everything from a clean restart of the iTrilogI so it seems to include the initial connection data log.

Regards Peter
General Discussions / Re: PC6 File naming
« Last post by BetterBath on December 26, 2022, 02:39:19 AM »
Thank you for sharing the information.
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Technical support / Re: Erratic Online Monitoring of I/O Tables with WX100
« Last post by uknanoman on December 22, 2022, 04:30:58 PM »
Hi Support
               Thanks for this response, I will have a look in the new year and report back.
Regards Peter
Technical support / Re: Erratic Online Monitoring of I/O Tables with WX100
« Last post by support on December 22, 2022, 10:45:51 AM »
Can you view the console of the TL75 (the second TL75 icon with a console window) and see if it reports any error message and if so, what are the error messages?

You may also like to update your i-TRiLOGI to see if it helps. i-TRiLOGI is still evolving to meet the new capabilities added to Wx100 (as is the Wx100 firmware).
Technical support / Erratic Online Monitoring of I/O Tables with WX100
« Last post by uknanoman on December 22, 2022, 03:52:18 AM »
Hi Tech
Since using the Wx100 I have been having erratic problems with the online monitoring facility where it simply locks up when monitoring the i/o tables. When this situation occurs it seems only to freeze the I/O table connectivity but not the optional view variables window which still shows variables data activity. I have noticed that the situation never occurs when using the inbuilt simulator which shows the same screens albeit not monitoring via WIFI ethernet. I also get occasional  message saying program corrupt and lost connection whereby I have to reconnect to the Wx100. All in all it seems that it only occurs when connected via Wifi Ethernet. Just so you know my setup I am using The Wx100 connected via a Mango Mini Router which then gives me a local ethernet port as well as a wifi connection. The problem occurs whether I use the LAN port or WIFI connection, obviously as its a Wx100 it all comes via WIFI anyway. I have supplied a link to the product below. I have never experienced any monitoring problems before on other versions of TriLogic which I use for Nano's and FMD's 

The version number I am using is 7.5 Build 14
Mango / GL-MT300N-V2 - GL.iNet › products
mango mini smart router from   
Technical support / Re: goto command
« Last post by uknanoman on December 22, 2022, 03:27:19 AM »
Hi Gary
          Thanks for the response and the offer of help. The system I am working on at the moment is perhaps more busy than complex. And yes I am using the SeqNo as you described and I
am using CF's within which, the last operation of the CF is to update the SeqNo to point to the next appropriate CF, which would be the next operation of the control system. The upshot of all
of this is that I have CFs simply named as Step_01 ~ Step_40 which allows me to quickly locate the Tbasic within that step.  As you rightly mentioned about the inbuilt sequencers, I have used them before on an older version of the same control system using a nano+external HMI. However with this new project I am using a WX100 and because I am introducing new functionality and controlling the inbuilt display at the same time it seemed prudent to incorporate display and control within each CF. So far it is working ok but i did not know that Ladder Logic is faster than Tbasic in making decisions! I shall keep this in mind for future projects where speed is essential. FYI The Current project is a Cement Silo Filling control system, As I said before I have 4 of these working already and this is a sort of replacement / update version for hardware as well as software. The system strictly regulates the filling procedure and tracks the operators procedure doing prechecks and testing of system functionality before during and after the filling. It uses modbus to communicate with a weigh system for silo contents and a remote i/o block at the top of the silo for interfacing to analogue and digital sensors. The system logs events into an event log and sends e-mails on our LAN. One thing I missed on the WX100 is the ethernet port and so I have used a Cheap MANGO wireless Router( less than £20.00) to give me back that facility, so now I have the best of both worlds so that the unit is physically connected by ethernet cable to our LAN for e-mails, spreadsheet interfacing, and remote programming from the office, but for onsite local mods (at the control system) I now don't have to plug my laptop in anymore as I connect by the WIFI.  When I finish the new project unit I will probably upload it to this site as a customer project for viewing the superb capabilities of the TRiPlc products.
Anyway I appreciate you interest and offer of help so I may come to you at some future point or feel free to comment on any of my future posts.
All the Best Peter             
Technical support / Re: goto command
« Last post by garysdickinson on December 21, 2022, 10:46:51 AM »

it sounds like you are working on a fairly complex problem.

As you have figured out the TBASIC language does not have any sort of computed GOTO or computed CALL functionality.  So your choices are to either make the computed CALL using a CF or to do it in ladder logic.

I am guessing that your code is using the variable SeqNo to make decisions.  Most of my  non-trivial  PLC  programs work in this manner. 

The PLCs allow you to use COUNTERs 1..8 as "sequencers". The Present Value of these Sequencer/Counters can be tested in ladder logic and the Preset Values can be changed in ladder logic.  When used as Sequencers you are limited to the values of 0..31.

    I use this mechanism for many reasons:
    • Ladder logic is faster than TBASIC in making these decisions
    • The SeqNo is visible for debug both in simulation and on-line monitoring.
    • The SeqNo can be changed during debug to force code to run. for debug.
    • it provides a method to support multiple threads of operation. Poor-man's multitasking.

This approach scares most PLC programmers because it sounds too complex.

If you are interested, I have posted many examples of this sort of approach.  I’d be happy explain how it works.

Gary d

Technical support / Re: WX100 Ip address appears as ethernet instead of wifi?
« Last post by uknanoman on December 21, 2022, 07:55:53 AM »
Hi Support
               Thanks for that, I have just tested it and it works fine.
Thanks for the fast response.

Cheers Pete
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