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Topics - cdenk

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Technical support / Online monitoring default file open problem
« on: December 22, 2013, 09:07:43 AM »

T100MD-r50, Trilogi 6.46 and 6.47, Windows 8

When I go to online monitoring > local > Open matching source file > open local, the default file has appended to it " 1.pc6"
real file name "clean.pc6'
default  name "clean.pc6 1.pc6"

Deleting the added > enter and file loads OK
I have tried renaming, copying and renaming with no success.
Clicking on the file name form the list will replace the default with the correct name.

I have just updated to v6.47 with no change in behavior.

Technical support / Auto startup Trilogi >
« on: December 20, 2013, 06:47:31 AM »
T100MD-r50, Trilogi 6.46 (will upgrade to latest before I get answers to this), windows 8. The PLC is connected to the PC with serial cable, and is the only PLC on the system.

Is there a way to put Trilogi in Startup > On-Line-Monitoring > View  automatically at PC startup?

The default LCD display has items for others to view without many key strokes. This doesn't justify the cost of Excellink, but If there is another way to request the few values from the PLC and display it, with a little outline of the method, I probably could implement it. :)

The application is to monitor a gas well pressure.

Technical support / Counter values not the same
« on: April 19, 2013, 10:16:04 AM »
This is Trilogi 6.45 - 05 and 08, T100MD Computer is running Windows 8 Pro, with the recommended Java.

Piece of code from Custfun
 IF " < 10
CTRPV[3] = CTRPV[3] +1
CTRPV[3] = 1

In Online monitoring mode:

In the Custfun, select "CTRPV[3]"

Displayed in the lower window:
Current Value (retrieved from PLC) = 0

From the Online monitoring contact value screen
Counter 3 = 1

From, SETLCD 3,20,STR$(CTRPV[3],1)
"1" is displayed on the screen

Recently I had taken advantage of the new feature of defining DM[]'s with names. The program had worked previously, and general runs OK, but appears to be acting as if CTRPV[3] = 0

Any thoughts. I see the new feature where I can use a name in the CTR argument and probably will convert that to names in the future after I get this working. :)

Technical support / Trilogi editting problems
« on: March 04, 2013, 02:49:15 PM »
This is Trilogi 6.45 - 05, T100MD Computer is running Windows 8 Pro, with the recommendedd Java

Had been doing considerable editing of a large (113KB) file, changing DM[] to variable names after importing a DM table, and was going well. The file did recently compile, and load to the PLC with no errors and apparently running correctly.

Did a find all of"DM[" to locate last remnants to change, found first of several instances, adjusted the selected string, and started typing a new string. The entire line including cursor disappeared, and numerous empty lines below. Problem seems isolated to one custfun possibly.  Opened file on 2nd computer running XP Pro Sp3 with same results.

Reloaded Trilogi on Windows 8 with no change.  

At the moment I'm assuming the file is damaged, how can I repair it?

Technical support / Variable name limitations
« on: February 06, 2013, 02:38:34 PM »
Using the new # Define table, and can't find the limitations on variable names, number of characters, special characters, etc. I'm sure it's in the manuals somewhere, but just haven't been able to put my eyes on it. :) In the examples, I see 11 characters, and have a problem of not finding a name that has been good, but there is in the table a couple of names with "/" and "@" that probably I have to eliminate.

If someone can point me in the right direction, that would be appreciated.

Technical support / #Define Variable names :)
« on: January 27, 2013, 01:49:31 PM »
When I first saw the new feature, My thoughts went to, Wow how nice, but as I was cleaning up a 6 year old PLC program after many tweaks and additions, to change many variables and instances was a lot of work, but as I tried it on a few variables, it became evident that having the names there, made troubleshooting and understanding the program much easier. Here's what I found helped a lot to make the changes:

In the Custom Function window
1: Use "Find All" to find the an instance of the variable to be changed.
2: Edit that variable to the new name and copy it to the clipboard
3: Use "Find All" to find the next instance to be changed.
4: Since it is already selected, just paste the clipboard. If you do not want to change this instance, just do another "Find All". Note that instances in comments will be found and can be changed if desired.
5: Go back to step 3, and do it again until all instances are changed.

Hope this helps. would be nice to have a replace option, either individual and/or global.

Also the export/import feature is really neat. Since I already have a spreadsheet with the DM[]'s and their descriptions, it will be easy to add a column, and add variable names, and import after formatting. Tried importing initially with Libre (Open Office) Calc, but it only will save as CSV, and not Tab delimited.  Another suggestion, add CSV format for import. Libre had no problem with the export.

Technical support / Windows 8, Serial IO problem
« on: January 18, 2013, 05:54:05 PM »
This is Windows 8 Pro, and was working OK for several weeks until a recent routine upgrade of Java, then Neither Trilogi or the TLSERVER would run. With control panel > remove programs, removed and then installed both (as admin.. and XP SP3 compatibility) first j2re1.4.2_19, and Trilogi 6.45_2. Trilogi now runs OK. TLserver31gives the ?Serial driver not properly installed (was there a recent Java upgrade?) Try running ? instserial2008.exe...? message.  Ran  instserial2008.exe, with no change. Ran TLServer.jar in admin command window, the follow is the output:
C:\TRiLOGI\TL6>java -jar TLServer31.jar

String counts = 90
Installation Directory = C:\TRiLOGI\TL6/
Serialio Library: version 9.9.9: build 9191
Copyright (c) 1996-2008, All Rights Reserved."Windows 8"  os.arch="x86"
TRi Amendment1:OS Name =Windows 8
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jspWin in java.library.path: Check that nativ
e library jspWin is in proper directory
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Serialio.SerialPortLocal.SerGetPortList()I
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Serialio.SerialPortLocal.SerGetPortList()I
        at Serialio.SerialPortLocal.SerGetPortList(Native Method)
        at Serialio.SerialPortLocal.getPortList(
        at serialComm.j.c(Unknown Source)
        at serialComm.j.<init>(Unknown Source)
        at serialComm.k.<init>(Unknown Source)
        at TLServer31.TLServer.<init>(Unknown Source)
        at TLServer31.TLServer.main(Unknown Source)

A search for JSPWIN of the C:\ drive gives the output below

 jspWin.dll   Date modified:   &#8206;1/&#8206;18/&#8206;13 &#8207;&#8206;4:25 PM
 C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\lib\ext\x86   Size: 56.0 KB

 jspWin.dll   Date modified:   &#8206;4/&#8206;22/&#8206;01 &#8207;&#8206;12:11 PM
 C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\j2re1.4.2_19\lib\ext\x86   Size: 44.0 KB

 jspWin.dll   Date modified:   &#8206;4/&#8206;22/&#8206;01 &#8207;&#8206;12:11 PM
 C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_19\lib\ext\x86   Size: 44.0 KB

 jspWin.dll   Date modified:   &#8206;4/&#8206;22/&#8206;01 &#8207;&#8206;12:11 PM
 C:\TRiLOGI\TL6\java lib   Size: 44.0 KB

Which is the correct size of the JSPWIN file, and at what path should it be located. Is there anything else I need to do?

Thanking in advance.

Technical support / Sending 2 E-mails consecutively
« on: April 23, 2012, 10:13:17 AM »
With T100MD+r50, Trilogi V6.43

Trying to send E-mail via serial connection to PC running server to DSL through modem/router. No problems sending to one address, but with 2 codes following quickly, I only get the first E-mail. What's the function of "emEvent[1] = 1", do I need that at the end of each message? Between Messages? Note it is commented out below.
Here's the code:
'This sequence is to our A T & T Cell phone
' Send the E-Mail
   PRINT #1 "<EMAIL>"
   PRINT #1 "Sender:"
   PRINT #1 "Subject: PLC ALARM"
   PRINT #1 STR$(DATE[2],2) + "/" + STR$(DATE[3],2) + "/" + STR$(DATE[1],4)+ " " + STR$(DM[3984],2) + ":" + STR$(TIME[2],2)
   PRINT #1 "Number " + STR$(CtrPV[6])
   PRINT #1 "</>"
'   emEvent[1] = 1

'This sequence is to our home E-mail
   PRINT #1 "<EMAIL>"
   PRINT #1 "Sender:"
   PRINT #1 "Subject: PLC ALARM"
   PRINT #1 STR$(DATE[2],2) + "/" + STR$(DATE[3],2) + "/" + STR$(DATE[1],4)+ " " + STR$(DM[3984],2) + ":" + STR$(TIME[2],2)
   PRINT #1 "Number " + STR$(CtrPV[6])
   PRINT #1 "</>"
'   emEvent[1] = 1

Thanks in advance. :)

Technical support / Allowable characters in contact names?
« on: August 11, 2010, 01:38:07 PM »
Trilogi 6.31 with a T100MD plc. I understand with version 6.2, the underscore is used to define a comment after a contact name. I had been using the "_" (underscore) to make the names more readable, and the before the "_" is frequently the same. There are many of these. :( But it appears the program is working OK, or maybe haven't noticed issues. Currently I'm trying to add a few custom functions and contacts.

1: Is 6.31 handling these existing "_" as previous versions?
2: Understand names are limited to 15 characters. What are legal characters beyond the actual alpha/numeric. i.e. -*@+/\, etc.
3: Is there a way to easily change the "_" to something else? Could I use a plain text editor to search and replace?
4: Do I need to go back to version 6.1?

Any other thoughts appreciated. :)

Technical support / Timeout on Forum when entering reply
« on: July 04, 2010, 07:15:40 AM »
 have recently had a consistent timeout error when POSTING either new topic or reply to the forum. Sometimes the message takes more than a minute or 2 to enter. When I get to the time of sending it on, the error appears.

As a work around, I have copied the message to clipboard, go back page, and paste the message, and quickly hit POST.

PS: This is WINXP Pro XP2 and Firefox 3.6

Technical support / Editing/Changing HMI, a large number
« on: July 03, 2010, 12:10:46 PM »
This is with a T100MD + MD-HMI420

I would like to display a large number, maximum 999,999 on the display and am looking for a nice way to handle changing that number with the key pad. Since the DM[]'s only count to 65,xxx I need to break the number up to to DM[]'s

I have previously handled time and date by using a counter to keep track of which item is being edited. Then I use the KEY_1 to increment that counter. KEY_2 decrements the item, KEY_3 increments the item, and "Enter" saves the items. Some of these items are not real time, but date/time for an action, and are stored as DM[]'s. This works well.

For the large number, I plan to use 2 DM[]'s, one for the LSB 4 digits (thousands and less), and the other DM[] for 10 and 100 thousands. When the LSB one gets to 9,999, it would rollover to 0, and increment the other one.

For the changing or editing part:
1: Load all the pairs of digits into 3 counters , one for 10's and units, one for 100's and 1000's, and one for the 10,000's and 100,000's
2: A 4th counter (I have plenty unused available) would keep track of which counter is being changed. On the HMI, the edited digits would flash.
The actual editing routine uses subscripts, so you don't have lots of code, and handles under/overflow by incrementing the appropriate DM[] digit.
3: The 3 digit counters get loaded back into the 2 DM[]'s when "Enter" is pressed.

Looking for suggestions on an easier way. At this moment, just these thoughts are all that has been done. :)

Technical support / Debounce Interupt ??
« on: June 27, 2010, 11:20:03 AM »
I have a water meter with a dry contact reed switch that cycles 1 time per gallon, and 20 GPM maximum, so maximum frequency that the PLC interrupt will see is less than 2 seconds per cycle. In testing the programming, I have used a jumper wire to generate activity on the interrupt pin, and get multiple interrupts even when trying to minimize.

How can I debounce the interrupt??

Technical support / Version 6.24, no right click menu in edit windows
« on: October 24, 2009, 10:22:19 AM »
This is with Version 6.24 with either CD version or latest Java versions on a XP PRO computer. When in either a ladder comment window, or a custom function window there is no way to cut/copy/paste text. Right click does not produce a menu window, and clicking edit is not allowed.

Anybody else with this problem. This is the first time I have tried this area since upgrading and the wide screen monitor which is the subject of another recent topic.

Technical support / New Custom Function window items
« on: October 15, 2009, 12:27:36 PM »
the new custom function control window is great. How do I turn off the bottom window critical updates? This is the current version.

Technical support / PC LCD MONITOR Text SIZES
« on: October 06, 2009, 01:12:15 PM »
Just got a 23" LCD monitor 16:9 screen for the PC, and several size issues:
1: The TRILOGI (V 6.13) screen size is less than half the width of the monitor. How can I make it full width, and yes that will mean scrolling more?
2: How can I adjust the text size of both the Trilogi window, and custom functions?

3: Not related to above, but is there a way to open custom function windows to a larger size by default? Everytime I start Trilogi, and open a custom function, I need to drag the window corner to a bigger size.

Thanking in advance. :)

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