I'm trying to communicate a Beckhoff CANOpen master with 11 Schneider altivar31.
The parameters have been entered in the altivar and now the communication is going OK (I can set the desired speed and I can change the drive status).
the only problem is that I cannot get the torque in any way.
I've parametrized the 1a05 parameter (the pdo 6 mapping) in this way:
1a05:0:1:0x4 (# of elements)
1a05:1:4:0x60410010 (taking a look to the eds file this is the ETAD)
1a05:2:4:0x60440010 (taking a look to the eds file this is the LFRD)
1a05:3:4:0x20020510 (this should be the LCR (current))
1a05:4:4:0x20020610 (this should be the OTR (torque))
the curious thing is that I don't understand why the bolded ones seem not to be ok, I receive this message when I try to start up the new configuration:
BoxState: SDO data mismatch at StartUp
SDO-Upload-Error 0x 1a05, SI 3: expected value: 0x20020510, received value: 0x0
1 Emergencies stored
does anybody know why?
Do I need to do anything else before?
If I put a 0 there, then I get the same message for the index 0x20020610...
Thank you in advance.