I have been trying to use one of these plc's in a project for more then a year. Well I finally had a customer who agreed to let me try one. So this is my first experience with your product, and I have to agree with Joel. Those connectors real suck big time.
Not only getting them off is hard, but putting them back on securely on a board sitting on standoffs worries me. I heard some major creaking noises coming from that board while putting them back on. I have a feeling that this could easily lead to a cracked board.
My designs are always a full panel where all I/O are brought to terminal blocks whether used or not, just incase of future changes. I am glad I did it with this job. If I had to remove those connectors more then a couple of times, I feel I would have a broken PLC on my hands.
I also noticed that you cannot tighten the screws too much or the connectors distort horribly.
One thing that I don't like about the T100MD888+ I've been working with this week is the style of connector used for the I/O. ?The main problem is that they are very difficult to pull off -- especially once the board is mounted inside a cabinet and there's no place to fit a screwdriver to pry up the connector.
I seriously worry that I'm going to damage the board -- either the header pins or else a nearby component.
I suppose Phoenix connectors are pricey options but there has to be something better than what's on there now that is still somewhat affordable.
Anyway, just a thought.