Help. I am trying to vary the output of an infrared heating element and it looks like the SetDimmer function might work for that application. I'm coming out of Output 8 of an FMD88-10, to a SSR, then to the quartz element. I've created a Function Block with the command "SetDimmer, 4, A" where A = DM[1]. DM[1] varies form 0 to 156 and is controlled by a slider bar on my HMI. I've tried different ladder and Function Block configurations, but cannot seem to get anything to work. Output 8 never turns on, no matter what the value of DM[1].
The i-Trilogi Help says SetDimmer "will send a short trigger pulse to the SSR to turn it on". So, that means, SetDimmer needs to be inside a loop??
I've searched the Forum for "SetDimmer" and found nothing. (Does nobody use this Function??) Can someone please provide some ladder and/or Function Block code that shows how SetDimmer is supposed to work? Do I need a zero-crossing SSR for SetDimmer to work?
Many thanks,
Neal Cooper