I have run into a small issue with parsing. I attempted to enter the following text into the "Label Name" field of the "Define Variable Names" window, "Seq8ImgEEP16".
I got a Duplicate Label Error window with the following message:
Label Name "Seq8ImgEEP16" is already defined as #8"
I actually know that #8 is the value for COUNTER #8. I know that "Seq8" is a special name that can only be used with COUNTER #8. I, also, know that when you guys thought up the idea of using a COUNTER as a sequencer that dinosaurs roamed the earth.
I am a little concerned that your token parser when working with the string, "Seq8ImgEEP16" would "think" that "ImgEEP16" was a terminator for a TBASIC reserved word, "Seq8". It is not white space, it is not a TBASIC operator, not a special character such as , : ( ) " and it is not the end of the entry string. It seemed like an odd place for the parser to decide that it had read enough characters.
It's not end of life, I just picked another text string, "ImgSeq8EEP16". I am surprised that the token parser didn't find the "Seq8" buried in the middle of the string...
Best regards,
Gary D*ickinson