When the crashes happen it is as far as i remember when i activate I/Os. but there is no particular one that causes it. sometimes it happen whens communication slows down. like for instance i activate and I/0 and have to wait 5 to 10 seconds for the PLC to comply.
The communication drops out and a dialogue box pops up and tells me to check corporate firewall. sometimes I can re establish a connection a few minutes later and other times i need to power it down after about 2 days of being unable to connect. Most of the time the program continues to run but it i'm left unable to connect to it.
It happens with the example programs and programs I have written.
I find that there are other things to that are buggy like for instance i have an lm34 reading converted to
°C telling me that the temprature is 22 °C stored in DM[100] and I have written
setlcd 0,1, chr$(1)
setlcd 0,1, chr$(12)
setlcd 1,1, " Room temp is " + str$(dm[100]) + chr$(223) + "C"
it displays on both the WEB AP and ONLINE MONITOR screens
Room temp is 22 BOC
instead of
Room temp is 22 °C
I believe the r81 on the plc's hardware info stands for firmware revision 81. my Itrilogi software might be corrupted so I guess it wouldn't hurt to update the firmware and get get the Itriogi 6&7 file off you guys again.