Hello all, just my usual rant about messy code, again.
I've noticed in the V6.45 version build 3, that if the "I/O Shift down" option is used in the "I/O Table" menu with Custom functions that the shift does not appear in the "Open CusFn" menu item.
If the file is saved and then I-TrilogI is closed and reopened, then the various I/O Tables and list of custom functions are correctly reconstructed.
I have another pet peeve that I'd like to share. This is been in many versions of i-Trilogi. It is not unique to V6.45. I just on a mini rant.
When I press the "Insert" key on my keyboard the "Open CusFn" menu opens. However the behavior of the custom function editor changes from "insert mode" to "overwrite mode". In order to get the editor back to "insert mode", I have to close the "Open CusFn" menu, then press "Insert" a 2nd time and close the "Open CusFn" menu a second time.
It seems that your choice of using the "Insert Key" as a way to open another menu has an annoying side effect on the state of the text editing code.
Is there some way I can use some other key than "Insert" to open this menu? Say F8? Is there something in the EN_xxxx.ini
file that I can tweak with? And why if I am in the custom function editor is useful to have the "Open CusFn" menu appear?
OK here's a new feature of V6.45. If you are editing a custom function and you want to know the name of a RELAY, you can open the I/O table. If you highlight the "label name" and press <ctrl>-C instead of making a copy of the highlighted text for latter insert into the body of the custom function, the <ctrl>-C opens the "Copy Ladder Circuits" Dialog. This is very confusing and seems to be mixing ladder logic editing with custom function editing...
Sorry, but I really am perturbed. How come the "View Custom Function" window does not use the same tab spacing as the normal custom function edit window? Is there something in the .ini file to set the tab spacing for this window?
best regards,
Gary D