Is their a demo version of excel link, I purchased a T100M+888 from you, and would like to take advantage
of the tl server. Currently I've written my own HMI in vb6 to interface with the plc, but if i want to impliment the plc on a different process. the entire HMI would have to be rewritten. Useing a dde server would be alot easier.
Alot of it could be linked directly.
Question #2
Does Excel link simply link the 16 bit words to excell or
does it give you the ability to write a single relay, without writting the entire word (one relay per cell in excel) I can see where the data memory would be (one word per cell), as you can see alot of questions come up! An evaluation copy would be very helpfull!
Thank's Tim Chavis
PS. TL server should try to dial up the defalt connection to the internet if not connected already. What do you think about that, would be really helpfull in remote
locations. Thanks Again