SetTimerSV n, value
Purpose Change the Set Value (S.V,) of the  Timer #n to value . This statement to allow the user to modify the S.V. of the PLC internal timers without changing the source program. A TBASIC function can be written easily to make use of a few digital or analog inputs to modify the SV of these internals timers.

n        -  between 1 and 128.
value  -  between 0 and 9999.

For F-series PLC the new S.V is stored in the onboard FRAM and hence is non-volatile. (See sample program "set_TCSV.PC4").

For Nano-10 and FMD PLC, the new S.V. are only stored on RAM-shadowed CPU flash memory and is normally volatile unless a RESET or SETSYSTEM 252, 0 command has been executed which forces a backup of the RAM shadow to the CPU flash memory. Programmer should therefore use this command sparingly. Note that TBASIC custom funciton can start a timer simply by setting its TIMERPV[] variable to any integer value between -1 (reset timer) and 9999 so it is not necessary to change the timer S.V..

Examples SetTimerSV 10,1234
SetTimerSV 3, GetTimerSV(3)+10
Comments: Timer #10 will assume a S.V. of 1234..
S.V of Timer #3 will be increased by 10.

Related : The present values (P.V.) of timers can be read or written directly as integer variables "TimerPV[n]". But the Set Values can only be changed by this function.

See Also GetCtrSV( ), GetTimerSV( ) , SetCtrSV

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