SET_IPAddr  dmindex
Purpose To set the IP address of this PLC's built-in Ethernet port using the parameters stored in DM[dmindex] to DM[dmindex+4].
Examples DM[100] = 192
DM[101] = 168
DM[102] = 1
DM[103] = 101
DM[104] = 9080

SET_IPAddr 100   ' set the IP address to

SETSYSTEM 252,0 ' required for Nano-10 and FMD PLCs only

RESTART ' power cycle the PLC 

  • To change the IP address of a PLC's ethernet port, you can load the new IP address and port number into the variables DM[100] to DM[104]  (e.g. from a HMI panel) and then invoke a function that runs SET_IPAddr 100 to write the new IP address into the PLC.
  • For Nano-10 and FMD PLCs,  you should backup the new IP in FLASH (using the SETSYSTEM 252,0 command) and restart (cold boot) the PLC after changing the IP address so that the new IP address will be saved into the virtual EEPROM. This is not required for Fx PLCs.
  • The PLC will only assume the new IP address after it has been rebooted (via the RESTART command or power-on reset).
  • This is applicable to all models.
  • This command is ignored by i-TRiLOGI  simulator.

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