Author Topic: undefined interrupt F1616  (Read 16423 times)


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undefined interrupt F1616
« on: March 02, 2021, 10:21:04 AM »
I have been running an F1616 plc for many years, and in recent years, occasionally (every 3-6 months) the plc locks up. 
Please see attached screenshot for the error message, Run time error in function #6, DM32 out of range, with the LCD pointing me to line 033B in function 6, which has been commented out. I suspect my firmware version 71 is too old to implement intrdef 100,n,1
If I were to return it, could you check for a hardware fault, and then upgrade this old PLC to the latest firmware?
I would consider also returning two nano-10 r75 plcs in the same package for upgrading to upgradable firmware.


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Re: undefined interrupt F1616
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2021, 07:53:17 PM »
r71 firmware means that this F1616 PLC is likely about 13 years old and is one of the original F-series PLC. We are glad it is still operational.

However, note that the F1616-BA was EOL quite sometime ago and it was replaced by Fx1616-BA which is a drop in replacement but support more memory as well as floating point operation. The firmware of the original F1616-BA may not upgradable due to some hardware changes to the CPU board. However, it is possible to change out the CPU board of the F1616 to the new CPU board for Fx1616 and that will convert it into a Fx1616-BA. Please contact to inquire for the option.

The two Nano-10 with r75 firmware are about 11 years old. There is some enhancement in subsequent hardware revision as well. If you are not using FRAM-RTC then the changes would not affect you and they are upgradable without issue even if the hardware is the oldest version. But if you are using FRAM-RTC then upgrading the firmware may affect its operation due to the hardware change. It is best to contact to discuss if your board's hardware will be affected.
Tel: 1-877-TRI-PLCS


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Re: undefined interrupt F1616
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2021, 11:25:06 AM »
Many thanks. I'll contact support.