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settimer sv


I have been using SETCTRSV 6, DM[100] and entering a value via touch screen.
Will SETTIMERSV 7, DM[101] work as well.

Yes both of these are TBASIC codes to set the timer and counters preset values.

Note that for Fx class PLCs the changes are immediately non-voilatile since they  are stored to the FRAM memory.

For FMD and Nano-10 you will need to run the SETSYSTEM command to store these new values to the flash memory. So it is not recommended to make changes to these set values very frequently as it will affect the SCAN time due to the need to erase a bank of flash memory and then backup the whole bank to the flash memory.

One other way to start a timer or counter in TBASIC is to assign their PV to a value.

TIMERPV[ tim1 ] = DM[100]
CLRIO  tim1   ' Timer #1 label name is tim1.

Thank you for this article.
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