If you hunt very hard you can find some information on the address mapping. Ignore any reference to Omron I/O mapping or any reference back to the User manuals to the Fx2424 PLC. There is no info on the Omron I/O mapping in any of the current PLC user manuals. You would have to go back to the T100MD+ user manuals to find any info and that info would be of no value.
This is the only info that I could find for the address mapping used by the FP403MR is here:
- First find a download file named, "FP4030MR_Demos_and_Guides.zip".
- Find the document named, FP4030MR Mapping.pdf" that is in the zip archive.
- Go to section "5. Reference Data and Additional Information".
There is only 2 useful bits of information about address mapping in the entire document:
- The first 5 rows in the table are highlighted in bright yellow.
- The last paragraph at the end of section 5:
Data No 1 to 5, which is highlighted yellow in the above table, is mapped slightly
different in that every two registers in the FlexiPanel HMI make up one register in
the PLC. For example, Input Register 0 and 1 in the FlexiPanel HMI would combine
o make the INPUT[1] register in the TRi PLC. This means that Input Register 0 would
account for bits 0 to 7 of INPUT[1] (physical inputs 1-8) and Input Register 1 would
account for bits 8 to 15 of INPUT[1] (physical inputs 9-16). Then Input Registers 2 and
3 would combine to make up the INPUT[2] register and so on. The data is mapped
this way because the HMI is only able to access 8 bits from the PLC for these
What all of this means is that if you are trying to build an address tag for RELAY #474 is that you will need to follow an algorithm that looks like this:
' Calculate FP403MR address tags for a TRI RELAY
T = 474 ' TRI PLC RELAY #474
R = T - 1 ' Subtract 1 from the TRI address to get a "zero-based" address
B = R MOD 8 ' Calculate the bit position within an 8-bit byte
R = R / 8 ' Calculate the register number for the tag
' At this point R is the register number, 59 and B is the bit position of 1
Now you can build the tag value of RC00059.1
I do not know how the address tags are formed for anything but the first 5 rows of the table. The algorithm should work for PLC INPUTs, OUTPUTs, TIMERs, COUNTERs and RELAYs.
You might consider configuring the FlexiPanel to communicate with the TRI PLC using the industry standard Modbus RTU protocol rather than the TRI unique communication protocols.
Modbus is handled by the TRI PLCs quite nicely and is an industry standard protocol. Modbus register mapping is documented in the TRI manuals.
Best regards,
Gary D*ckinson