Author Topic: Trilogi under Linux?  (Read 21222 times)


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Trilogi under Linux?
« on: February 19, 2008, 06:50:27 PM »
Can I run Trilogi under Linux (Gutsy Kubuntu). If so, how do I do it? I'm thinking Java is available on both Linux and Windows. Trilogi is installed on an Windows XP Pro machine that is networked to the Linux machine, so access to the Java applications is not an issue. Or can I run it under Wine as a windows application?

This machine is planned to be a backup, put away in a closet, unless the main machine crashes, and hopefully won't ever be needed.


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Re:Trilogi under Linux?
« Reply #1 on: February 29, 2008, 02:26:30 PM »
Just a bit of an update, haven't had time to do a lot lately. And I understand this isn't a supported OS, but hoping someone has Java experience at this point.

Trilogi is on a FAT32 partition that is the dual boot XP PRO home. With Ubuntu 7.1 running, and Java 1.4 and Java 5.0 runtime available there, able to run Trilogi tl61.jar with either Java 1.4 or Java runtime 5.0 where it was installed under XP and load a current TL6 file. Then :
1: Mouse moves red arrow to circuits OK
2: Unable to move cursor (yellow highlight doesn't show anywhere), or select a cust fun to edit.
3:  Able to with mouse Edit > I/O Table or F2 open the I/O table and edit the I/O table including changing names and counter values.
4: Clicking on Controller > online Monitoring brings up a connect to server window, but there are no serial port options, at this point the PLC is connected to Com4, though I could change that to Com1 easily.
5: Edit > Find doesn't work
6:  Trying to open TLserver40.jar with either Java 1.4, or Java runtime 5.0, nothing happens.

Any thoughts appreciated. :)


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Re:Trilogi under Linux?
« Reply #2 on: February 29, 2008, 10:18:10 PM »
Did you install Trilogi using wine?  I plan on trying to use Fedora-Moonshine to run trilogi but haven't had the time to try it yet.  I'm interested in your results and will post mine here too.



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Re:Trilogi under Linux?
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2008, 06:00:24 AM »
I have Wine installed, but don't have any applications installed yet. Was hoping that Trilogi would run native under Linux. Seems like it's got a chance, just have some bugs. When I get some timein the next day or to, will try Wine both with Trilogi and some other application.

Incidently my experience is goes back to day one of PC's, and 3 years ago got into the PLC as a management for a standby generator that runs gasoline, natural gas, or propane, switches automatically between them under load depending whats available. Do some Basic and C programming, very little assembly. Have designed and built PCBs including the signal conditioning for the PLC. Just a Newbie when it comes to Linux though, and it's been somewhat painful, too many things gon wrong, and takes a lot of research to fix with command line.


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Re:Trilogi under Linux?
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2008, 02:17:07 AM »
Finally got around to trying Trilogi using wine.  (whine)

It seems to be working, with a few bugs.

I had to copy msvbvm.dll in the .wine windows/system32 directory - free download through web search.

I haven't actually connected it to a PLC to see if it will communicate, but have faith that it will work.  Minor tweaking required I'm sure.

Also, I have to have TLServer running.  The (local) file commands do not work.  The TLServer file commands are working fine.

Fedora 9 - Sulphur with Wine -1.0

If anyone gets more, please post or send me a message



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Re:Trilogi under Linux?
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2008, 06:48:47 PM »
Hey, new member on the forums here.   Just got two T100MX units and tried installing the downloaded linked Windows software.  Ran them in wine and they created the .jar files and other files.  I am able to run the TL5edu.jar file natively in Linux with the command
java -jar TL5edu.jar

This results in:

It seems to be a "demo" and does not connect to the PLC board.

I need to look into that a bit more.   I want to be able to load/save ladder programs to the computer, and upload them into the PLC, and what I have running doesn't seem to do that... yet, anyhow.

Best of luck from another Linux user!