Yes, you can do that.
What kind of protoocol does your power meters use? I assume it is MODBUS RTU then you can use the READMODBUS (11,xx,yy) command to read data from the power meter with slave ID = xx and holding register location = (40001+yy) - See Chapter 5 of T100MD+ User Manual for the MODBUS mapping details.
You can read from the power meters or other slave as often as you like by using a clock pulse (e.g. 1.0 second) to drive a {dCusF} function that contains the READMODBUS command.
If your power meter uses simple ASCII protocol you can use a modified NETCMD$ command to send an ASCII query string to it and it will return an ASCII response. You then can use the MID$ command to extract the data out from the response string.