Did you download the E10 host link command manual? If not, please download it from the following link:
http://www.tri-plc.com/HostlinkE10.pdfThere are detailed explanation of how the I/O are represented in the host link command. When you put "WO00*", you tells the PLC to write to the output port channel 0 but you did not specify the data which is why you sometime don't get the correct PLC output turned ON. Try to use Multipoint command since this is the format supported by the NETCMD$.
If you only want to affect a single output bit, try the "Wb" command which is much simpler than using "WO" since the latter affect all outputs based on the word data. To turn on Output #1, send "Wb08FF" whereas to turn it OFF, send "Wb0800".
Once you get it working, then you can use the T100MD+ to control the E10+ PLC. You need to change the COMM3 port of T100MD+ to 9600 bps by executing "SETBAUD 3,3", then use the "NETCMD$" to send the host link command to E10+. It is very easy especially if you do not need to interpret the response string from the slave (such as a Write Bit command described above).