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Technical support / Re: E10 Relay+ inputs
« Last post by support on December 13, 2022, 06:07:04 PM »
Are you sure the output from the sensor is PNP? Can you measure the applied voltage to the PLC's digital input to see if you are getting a 24VDC? If the sensor output requires a pull up resistor to pull up to 24V power then you need to add it in order for it to work properly.
A long time back I worked with the pre-production Wx100 product using any of a number of versions i-TRiLOGI that were test builds.

I got an email from a Wx100 user and he was having problems with compiling a Wx100 program that I wrote.

The affected file is named "Wx100 Simple Menu V1_12.PC7.

The problem is that this demo code was written with an early version of i-TRiLOGI when the "Comment" field was added to the #define mechanism.  The current tool set V7.5 Build 14 uses a different field separator in the .PC7 file than was used by the early version that I wrote the code with...

The early version used commas as field separators in the PC7 file. Sort of like this:  #,Defined Name,Value,Comment
The current tool set uses commas and an ASCII <RS> (record separator). Looks like this: #,Defined Name,Value<RS>Comment

The problem is that my "old" code when compiled with current tools doesn't recognize the "," before the Comment field so the Value field ends up with the correct "Value" a comma and then the Comment text.  The Comment field is always empty.

I was able to fix the problem for the user, by exporting the #Define Table to a text file and replacing the first "," character by an ASCII TAB character and then importing the edited #Define table back into the PC7 program.  The edited #define table now works perfectly and if I peek into the PC7 file I see the <RS> character in the correct spot.

I have attached the corrected .PC7 file.  It is now named "Wx100 Simple Menu V1_13.PC7.  The only changes from the V1_12 file is the corrected #define and I added a comment for the V1.13 version to give a hint as to why it was changed.

I think that the V1.12 version may appear in in the Wx_Specifics directory and in a Zipped file named "Wx100 Simple Menu.  Is this something that you can fix in a future release?

Best regards,

Gary Dickinson

Technical support / Re: E10 Relay+ inputs
« Last post by leonstonebank on December 11, 2022, 01:05:41 PM »
Thanks for the reply,
I have just tried on input 1, so sure its not a fault with PLC,
I can see the led flash, gets about 1 in 10 inputs and the programme is pretty simple
Input 1 = difu1
difu1 sets latch Output 1
Just for testing.
It is the first time i have used it with a input from this type of device, normally sensors or switches

I am trying to see if i can get any help from the keyence vision system about output speed?

The system all runs of the same 24v DC supply
Technical support / Re: E10 Relay+ inputs
« Last post by support on December 11, 2022, 10:32:42 AM »
Input 1-6 on the E10-Relay+ are all the same. If there is a problem with input #5 please check:

1) The wire from sensor to input #5. Make sure there is no partially broken wire that may intermittently conduct.

2) The input #5 screw terminal. Check that the solder pad at the bottom of the PCB is properly soldered and that the solder is not broken. Also check the solder pad of the resistor arrays connected to input #5 to make sure no broken solder.

You can write a simple program that when input #5 is toggled a counter will start to count down. Now apply a constant +24V DC to input #5 and try to pull the wire to input #5 and observe if the counter is triggered. If that happens it indicates that there are some problem with the input connection and you can continue the troubleshooting from there or request an RMA to send back to the factory for checking.
Technical support / E10 Relay+ inputs
« Last post by leonstonebank on December 11, 2022, 10:16:06 AM »
Hi i am using some switches to inputs 1-4 and a sensors on Input 6, Input 5  is causing a problem from a PC IO card
I do not see the input consistently ?
They are 24v PNP inputs
They are using a external PSU, Same as PLC supply do i need to add a wire to the Common?

I have tried Difu in the programme no joy.
I also have removed all the programme so i am just setting a latching relay from the difu from input 5


Technical support / Re: MBTCP Time-out was 0 , what does it do
« Last post by support on December 02, 2022, 05:45:01 AM »
I assume you have an Ethernet switch that provides Ethernet port connection to the Fx1616-BA, the Weintek HMI and the MOXA?

The HMI connect to the PLC using Modbus TCP protocol and that part is working fine according to your experience.

The PLC connects to the MOXA using <TCPCONNECT....> command. I assume once connected MOXA works transparently and will transfer data from the PLC to its serial port and vice versa.

1) Does the PLC use this connection regularly?
2) Does the PLC close the TCP connection after transferring data with external serial port or does it keep it open?
3) Does MOXA has a timeout for this connection if it is idle? 
4) Did you define the client connection time-out value on the PLC?

What version is your PLC's firmware? if it is an older firmware (current release is F91.8) you can try to upgrade the firmware to see if it makes a difference. Contact for upgrade instructions if you don't have it.

Technical support / Re: MBTCP Time-out was 0 , what does it do
« Last post by on December 01, 2022, 07:28:22 AM »
I am trying to add an extra serial port to the PLC, (1 x RS232 and 2 x RS485 is not enough!!!!) this is what the Moxa 5230 is for.
I also have a Weintek MT8071iE HMI that uses modbus on the ethernet to connect to the PLC.
The PLC HMI link works fine until I try to connect from PLC to Moxa, it appears to connected but upsets the HMI PLC link, hence the original question about the timer.
Moxa is server, PLC is client and will execute a <TCPCONNECT 192.....>
which appears to work but, after about 30 minutes, it varies quite a bit, the PLC Moxa link fails without indication.
I am trying to look at messages but not getting very far, my scope is meant to decode but does not.
Update December 2022
The HMI has 1 x RS232 and 2 X RS485 which I am trying to use instead of the moxa as this link is normally very good, especially where the moxa is not connected.
The HMI serial port idea is progressing but it has it's own issues, should this method fall apart I might have to try the moxa idea again.
any thoughts on what is happening?

Technical support / Re: EEprom Cycles for a data log
« Last post by support on November 29, 2022, 04:43:35 PM »
Sorry the FRAM-RTC on the Nano-10 and FMD PLC cannot be used on the Wx100. They are different interface.

To use FRAM on the Wx100 would require custom-designed carrier board since we don't provide this on our standard Wx-TERM8 or Wx-TERM16. It is therefore not an option for one off type of projects.
Technical support / Re: EEprom Cycles for a data log
« Last post by uknanoman on November 29, 2022, 10:33:20 AM »
Hi Tech
          Thanks for this prompt response. I have used the Fram before on Nano's but it does not look like there is anywhere
left to plug into as I already have the TERM8 I/O Board fitted. Having said this I noticed that there are 4 reserved pins on
the header, is there a way the standard FRAM RTC can be utilised with these pins?

Regards uknanoman
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