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Technical support / Re: PID control of two contradictory PWM signals
« Last post by Hminx on February 22, 2024, 12:25:55 AM »
  Thanks for the feed back, I thought that this may be the case but was hoping for an easier work around, but such is life  :)
FYI the two PWM  signals is quite common on heavy automotive diesels, from the foot throttle to the engine ECU .   Normally we would use the auxiliary external throttle input for engine speed control, but this is not an option in this case.
Technical support / Re: PID control of two contradictory PWM signals
« Last post by support on February 20, 2024, 09:37:00 PM »
The PLC can provide the PWM signal using the SETPWM command. That should be the easy part and I don't think you have any trouble with that.

We have no knowledge of how a system you described would work. What device is currently providing the two PWM signals you mentioned to the engine.

If you fixed one PWM signal and vary the second signal you might be able to plot out a curve of speed vs PWM2. You can then increment the PWM1 duty cycle and repeat the above. In the end you may have a series of charts that could give you a better idea of how the engine speed changes with respect to each PWM signal.

Once you get a better idea of how the speed vary with respect to the PWM duty cycle of each signal you may be able to work out an algorithm for controlling the engine.
Technical support / PID control of two contradictory PWM signals
« Last post by Hminx on February 19, 2024, 01:08:18 AM »
Hi all

Been a few years since last used trilogi stuff but have a few up coming projects that I plan to use FMD1616-10s. The issue I'm stuck on is
how to control the  speed of an engine powering a large vacuum pump, the input signal uses two PWM signals acting together

   1.        Idle - full throttle           81 - 27 %  PWM     @ 5v  200 Hz
   2.        Idle - full throttle           17 - 73 %  PWM     @ 5v  200 Hz

The  vacuum pump is direct driven at engine speed, 1400 rpm and in this case, the speed signal at this speed is 23 Hz, and scoping the throttle signals while operating the throttle manually indicates signal 1 at about 53% and signal 2 at about 46%.  Ssooo.... what I need to do is work out some method of PID control over two control signals that move in opposite directions.

I would be quite willing to have a crack at sorting out a single channel control but the two opposing signal thing is a bit beyond me so any help would be greatly appreciated

Cheers Pete

Oh by the way, I assure you I'm not a student asking some one to do an assignment I should be doing myself  ;)

Technical support / Re: Difficulty Troubleshooting Break Points
« Last post by support on December 21, 2023, 09:57:07 AM »
Did you set a breakpoint at the location you indicated in the comment? Or do you mean that you have encountered a runtime error that point to this location?

If you have intentionally set a breakpoint at your statement DM[12]=6399 then what are you trying to examine? You can view the value in the variable DM[11] executed in the prior statement to ensure that it has been assigned the correct value. I see that you wanted to assign it 32808, however, since all DM[] are 16-bit signed integers the numbers that it can contain range from -32768 to 32767. It won't be able to contain the value 32808.  It will instead overflow and becomes number -32728.

You can examine the value in DM[11] by hovering your mouse over it and it will display its value as shown in the picture below. Or you can use "On-line Monitoring" -> View Variable screen and scroll to the second screen where all the DMs are displayed to examine the value of DM[11].

If you have unintentionally set a break point there (it will be highlighted by a blue box around the statement) then you can remove the break point by clicking on the "Set Brk Pt" button to toggle it off as shown in the picture below. If you have uploaded the breakpoint to the PLC while doing online monitoring the PLC will stop execution at this statement and pause for your further action.

Alternatively you can also remove all break points from the "Edit-> Clear All Breakpoints" menu.

Technical support / Difficulty Troubleshooting Break Points
« Last post by suhelens on December 21, 2023, 02:30:55 AM »

I have trouble debugging a breakpoint. I am trying to send to my machine via WRITEMODBUS function. Here is my code

DM[11] = 32808
DM[12] = 6399  //This is where the breakpoint occurs
DM[13] = 36647
DM[14] = 0
DM[15] = 0
DM[16] = 0
DM[17] = 0
WRITEMB2 12,1,0,DM[11],7

What are some things to look out for at this breakpoint?
Technical support / Re: Simple counter with reset and display output.
« Last post by support on October 16, 2023, 07:23:23 PM »
How do you count distance with a photo eye?  Photo eye typically is triggered when a part comes into front of it and block the light path into the photo eye (either transmissive or reflective). 

Once you get the reading to output the measured data to a display is very easy, especially with a PLC that has built-in display such as the Wx100 or FMD or FX PLC with a LCD420 display.

Technical support / Simple counter with reset and display output.
« Last post by kRYSAL1S on October 11, 2023, 09:08:57 AM »
Need help making a program that will count with a photo eye. It needs to output the feet measured to a display and have a reset button. Anyone care to help? Tried a couple things but couldn't get it to work yet.
General Discussions / Re: Interrupt to monitor physical micro-switch on and off
« Last post by BetterBath on September 20, 2023, 12:37:57 AM »
To monitor the micro-switch for changes from on to off using an interrupt (INTRDEF) and Custom Function, set up a second interrupt routine for this specific condition. This way, you can respond to both state changes of the micro-switch in real-time.
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General Discussions / Re: Double debounce design
« Last post by BetterBath on September 08, 2023, 06:56:48 AM »
It's great to see your insights into optimizing this circuit. Using a custom function and sampling the input with a refresh and DELAY statement does sound like a viable alternative. It's interesting how this approach can reduce the ladder logic complexity but might require more code within the custom function.
You've also pointed out an important consideration regarding scan time. It's essential to strike a balance between ladder logic efficiency and scan time for the specific application's requirements.
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General Discussions / Re: Anyone Selling Used FMD88-10 or Nano?
« Last post by BetterBath on August 15, 2023, 10:54:06 PM »
I recommend checking online marketplaces, forums, or classified ads related to industrial automation and PLC equipment. These platforms often have listings from individuals who might have the items you're looking for available for testing. Make sure to specify your requirements and budget when posting your inquiry, and you might just find the right fit for your needs.
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