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General Discussions / RECIPES
« Last post by ROBBYG43 on May 11, 2024, 05:19:14 PM »
Hello everyone, is there a way to enter a data table as recipes in the Wx_100 without the client having access to the TL75 software?
Technical support / Re: PLC paused by DIP Sw #4
« Last post by support on April 26, 2024, 11:35:35 PM »
Try to restart the i-TRiLOGI program and connect to the PLC again and go online monitoring. The message should disappear.

If this still doesn't fix the issue then try to re-start the Nano-10 and it should go away.
Technical support / PLC paused by DIP Sw #4
« Last post by nealbert on April 23, 2024, 09:39:37 AM »
I'm using a Nano-10 as the brains in a microwave generator.  A fairly simple design with three digital inputs (2 thermal switches and "mag energize" from the main System PLC) and one analog input (transformer current).  Digital outputs consist of 1 output to energize the transformer and another output to send feedback to the System PLC.  Jumpers J1 and J4 are OPEN.

So, I'm looking at On-Line Monitoring to monitor the Analog Input (transformer current) and this weird message pops up... "PLC paused by DIP SW #4    Turn OFF DIP Switch #4 to release it"
According the documentation, DIP #4 is the same as J4 on the Nano-10.  And, it should be OPEN for NORMAL RUN mode.  Which it is. 
Also, the PLC is still running.  It's NOT paused.  I can monitor the Analog Input and see it changing values.  I can turn the microwave ON and OFF.  I get feedback to the System PLC.  But, the message remains.  Oh yeah, it only pops up when On-Line Monitoring is active.

The message is not currently a problem.  It's just weird.  I've never seen this before.  But, this is only the second generator of this design I have built.  I'm building a third unit and I'll let you know if the same message pops up.  Meanwhile, if anybody has any ideas about this weird message, I'm all ears.

Neal Cooper

Technical support / Re: PID control of two contradictory PWM signals
« Last post by garysdickinson on March 01, 2024, 08:23:11 AM »

I am glad you found something useful.

I have used several of the T100MD PLCs.  I had one run for 15 years with out a glitch.

If you have questions on algorithms and such just ask. I am happy to share.

Gary d
Technical support / Re: PID control of two contradictory PWM signals
« Last post by Hminx on February 27, 2024, 11:49:17 PM »
Hi Gary
Thanks for that, what you suggest makes perfect sense and should do the trick.
i will try that as soon as my replacement FMD1616 turns up as yesterday when I turn the machine on the PLC refused to respond for a while
then powered up the first four outputs plus RTC, pause, and error LEDs   lit up, plus it would no longer communicate  :(   Unlike the old T100MD
series these aren't easy to plug in a replacement chip and get it back into service maybe a marketing strategy  ;)
 Cheers Pete
Technical support / Re: Can't connect to TLServer with FileZilla
« Last post by MadalinG on February 25, 2024, 04:54:47 AM »
Hello Gary,

Thank you. It worked just fine
The .pdf file was perfect.
Technical support / Re: Can't connect to TLServer with FileZilla
« Last post by garysdickinson on February 24, 2024, 03:56:22 PM »
Getting FileZila to communicate with the TRI PLCs is a little tricky.  FTP is a protocol that dates back to 1971 before TCP/IP or the internet existed. The FTP support built in the the TRI Nano10 PLCs is very limited in what it can support.  You must configure FileZila very carefully to get it to work.

The two big issues is that the FMD PLC can only support a single FTP connection at a time. The FMD PLCs only work with text ASCII text files. The TRI PLCs do not use meaningful time stamps on the files.

OK. Your question talks about the "TLServer". The Nano10 has a builtin Ethernet support and builtin FTP support and does not require the TLServer application to function. If you are actually running TLServer on your PC you will fail.

If your Nano10 and PC are connected via Ethernet to a common network on the same sub net  then you should be good to go.

I have attached a .pdf to this reply that is screen shots of the current version running on a Windows 10 PC and communicating with a FMD series PLC. The Nano10 and the FMD PLCs behave identically when it comes to FTP.

Best of luck,

Gary Dickinson
Technical support / Can't connect to TLServer with FileZilla
« Last post by MadalinG on February 24, 2024, 12:37:30 PM »
Hello Guys,

I'm trying to connect via FileZilla to the TLServer in order to modify the webpage interface for Nano10.
I followed the steps from user manual but i get the following message

Status:   Waiting to retry...
Status:   Connecting to
Error:   Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity
Error:   Could not connect to server
Status:   Disconnected from server
Status:   Connecting to
Status:   Connection attempt failed with "ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server".
Error:   Could not connect to server

I tried with as in the user manual and also the ip addres from TLServer, but no result
I tried with windows firewall turned off as well from i searched from internet.

I am very new to PLCs and i follow all the documentation found on your website but now i'm really stuck here for a few days.
Technical support / Re: PID control of two contradictory PWM signals
« Last post by garysdickinson on February 23, 2024, 01:13:40 PM »
The programming of the FMD PWM ouputs to meet your needs is not very difficult.

I've attached a .pdf file that shows the programming for 1 of the 2 PWM outputs that your application may need.

The programming for the 2nd PWM output is the same but uses the slope/incercept values for the other channel.

You still have to solve a host of other things.

Gary Dickinson
Technical support / Re: PID control of two contradictory PWM signals
« Last post by Hminx on February 22, 2024, 12:25:55 AM »
  Thanks for the feed back, I thought that this may be the case but was hoping for an easier work around, but such is life  :)
FYI the two PWM  signals is quite common on heavy automotive diesels, from the foot throttle to the engine ECU .   Normally we would use the auxiliary external throttle input for engine speed control, but this is not an option in this case.
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