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Messages - Samson

Pages: [1]
     Ok I reverse engineered the circuit board. I love doing that, I was having so much fun I got a nose bleed.  Well I discovered that the #1 and #2 0-1v inputs go to a LM324N Quad Op-Amp.

     I set to 1k pot to 1v and traced it to pin 5 and pin 10. I read 1v on each but I read 0v on pins 7 and 8. Must be a bad op amp? Well I will get another tomorrow and hopefully that will work. Any insight on why this would be bad or possibly something I did? I always do an inspection to ensure everything is connected properly before turning the plc on after adding or changing the wiring. Although it has been 8 years since I worked with a plc and it was a 6502 programmed in assembly code. The I/O?s were UART 16550A with 16 byte FIFO, man what a dinosaur.


1st Scan scans the text to the screen only once. Then the ADC inputs are scanned every 1/2 second when the 0.5s closes.

I did monitor it with a DMM and could see the voltage going from 0vdc to 4.82vdc

I also tried this program for all ADC inputs (I have a 4x20 LCD)

       1st Scan                               1  FN_#1

        Clk 0.5s                               2  FN_#2

setLCD 1,1,"   Watch Dog 100"
setLCD 2,1,"Deviation     :"
setLCD 3,1,"Amperage    :"
setLCD 4,1,"Temperature:"

setLCD 1,15,CHR$(ADC(1))
setLCD 2,15,CHR$(ADC(2))
setLCD 3,15,CHR$(ADC(3))
setLCD 4,15,CHR$(ADC(4))

All I got on the screen is


I tried to ground all without result and tried the pot on all and nothing. It is very bizare. Is there a chip on the board that has just the ADC? Or is the ADC in the main CPU?


I was testing out the ADC on my T100MD1616+ using a 1k pot and external 5vdc. I grounded to the Analog 0v and used ADC #3.  This is the Custom function im using.

setLCD 2,1,"Deviation  :"+STR$(ADC(3))

Reguardless of what the voltage is at ADC #3 all I get on the display is 4092 and the same with the online monitoring. Is it a error in my programing or could it be a faulty chip on the board?


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