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Messages - skj1402

Pages: [1] 2
Technical support / Multi PLC lock ups!
« on: September 08, 2008, 05:44:27 AM »
I have a similar problem as Monty K below whereby I also have a master & 9 slave T100MD's all connected together via their RS485 ports, though in my case each of them are connected to an ethernet network via individual nPort express RS485 to ethernet converter server units.
The problem I have is that the system will function happily for over a day without incident and then for no apparent reason all the slaves will lock up!
I've incorporated a MaRST facility into each slave where if I press two buttons simultaneously the PLC will reset (which normally works OK),  but when I get these lockup conditions occuring the MaRST doesn't work. Only a complete power down/power up cycle works, which is far from  ???ideal!
Do you have any idea as to what maybe causing these simultaneous lockups occuring, and why the MaRST facility doesn't work when it happens? ?

Technical support / Bar Code printing
« on: December 18, 2007, 02:58:14 PM »
Is it possible, using the T100MD range of PLC's, to print out bar codes via the RS232 ports, from data derived from a custom function via data received from a bar code scanner i.e. by say using the Print# Input# commands? And can one also be generated by using an image file of a bar code (.bmp, jpeg, etc) via the printer ports?  Thanks.

Technical support / Re:Host Link Commands clarification?
« on: April 25, 2007, 11:35:41 AM »
Thanks for those very useful examples. All is now made clear (except you got the Hex value equivalents the wrong way round. :)

As for the Wb command, this unfortunately wasn't contained in the blue User Guide manual that I received with my T100's, so thanks also for refering me to the updated version on your site, which I've swiftly printed out!! ;D

Technical support / Host Link Commands clarification?
« on: April 25, 2007, 04:28:30 AM »
My master T100 needs to control a number of contacts within my T100 slave unit and I understand that I would need to use the 'Write Relays' command to do this. Within this command is a Channel # identifer, each channel containing 8 bits (maybe you wouldn't mind providing an example showing how relays are addressed and then turned on and off by using this command?).

However, I also note that there is a 'Write Single I/O bit' command (Wb) contained in the E10 manual, that can write to an individual bit. This appears not to contain a channel # identifier; only a bit position identifier. Can I therefore assume that I can't use this command within a T100, and if I can, how would I address the channel #'s?

Technical support / Re:Inserting a variable into NETCMD$ string?
« on: April 24, 2007, 11:49:04 PM »
Thanks for that!  It's so easy when you know how!

Technical support / Inserting a variable into NETCMD$ string?
« on: April 24, 2007, 12:29:44 PM »
I need to write a 'Write Counter Set Value" command to my T100 slave unit, the format as you know being:
NETCMD$ 3,"@02Wu01****",  where **** is the new counter's SV.
Can you please tell me how I can insert a variable into this string so that the contents of the variable inserts the new SV into the position of ****?


Technical support / Re:Connecting two T100MD's together?
« on: April 24, 2007, 12:19:58 PM »
I've used the routine both with and without REFRESH but I still lost counts.
I have since utilized another T100MD as a slave unit and have six counters incorporated in a small routine. Tests using the conventional I/O input to each of them now seems to confirm that all counts are now being recognised. The interupt method i.e. INTRDEF 1,4,1 where Cusf #4 contained CtrPV[1]=CtrPV[1]+1, so as to increment the counts, didn't appear to work, as counts were still being lost.

I have in fact 3 outputs to change rapidly so will your suggestion of " try using the SETPWM command to drive the PWM1 and PWM2 outputs to 100% (ON) or 0% (OFF) " still work?

Technical support / Re:Connecting two T100MD's together?
« on: April 20, 2007, 05:04:30 AM »
The pulse train, which has a max frequency of approx 300Hz (3.3 ms/cycle, but could be half that speed), is used to measure distances and operate external devices over preset distances via the outputs down to a resolution of 1 cycle i.e. one on/off cycle = 3.3 to 6.6 ms.

I have tried using interupts, but I still have the same problem i.e missing counts when the pulse speed exceeds a certain rate. I can only assume that the CPU gets too busy servicing the ever increasing interupt rate! The interupts are also integral to Cusf's and these in turn still need to issue SETIO/CLRIO commands to drive the outputs, and so scan time again becomes an issue.

My train of thought is to have the slave service the high pulse rate input and drive the high rate output too, providing I can keep the size of the program relatively small so that the scan cycle captures every pulse cycle, and services every output command. Do you agree?


Technical support / Connecting two T100MD's together?
« on: April 19, 2007, 11:25:47 AM »
I'm running a program of around 6.5Kb on my T100MD which takes in a rapid pulse train and operates a number of outputs also in a rapid fashion.
Unfortunately counts are being missed due to the relatively long scan time for this program (using the HSC is not an option as this just triggers CusF's and my requirement is too rapid for these to execute in the time available), so I was wondering if sharing the program between a Master T100MD and a Slave T100MD would be an option.
I would use the Master to run the main control program, while the slave would service the high speed counting of the pulse train, and the high speed operation of the outputs.
I have three questions:
1) Can I simply connect them together via the digital connectors (as you would do with a 4040 board), and have direct access to both eeproms, so that I can upload 1 program of say 5kb's into the Master and one of 1.5kbs into the Slave, thuse reducing the scan time on both? Or will I need to connect them together using the RS485 method?
2) Would this arrangement allow me to easily control the Slave from the Master, and to pass data to and from each of them?
3) Would this arrangement be more straightforward to do, rather than using an E10 as the slave (can this acquire a high speed pulse train too?). ::)

Technical support / Re:scan time problems
« on: February 13, 2007, 05:14:59 AM »
I have actually thought of using an interupt for this function but like the HSCDEF function, which instigates the operation of a custom function when a count value is reached (in my case just a count of 1), the time it takes to perform the Cusf, counts are still missed, and I believe that would also be the case with using interupts.
I have tried the following:

HSCDEF 1,21,1
SETIO pulsein

HSCDEF 1,20,1
CLRIO pulsein

The 'pulsein' is a contact label which opens and closes providing the input for internal counters.  I've also used straightforward inputs to counters via the I/O ports to no avail. Can you see anything wrong with what I am doing or is this a problem that cannot be overcome due to the pulse speed versus the program size?  
Can the PLC also be overclocked as a possible way of speeding up the scan speed?

Technical support / scan time problems
« on: February 13, 2007, 03:08:33 AM »
I have a situation where I need to have the PLC to accurately count a pulse train at a max frequency of around 100hz but more typically at around 70hz (~14ms/cycle), and acting upon a each cycle to perform an operation when required.  Normally this wouldn't be too much of a problem for a very small program (I've tried it and it works) BUT the size of my program is around 6.3 Kb (near max capacity), so the PLC's scan time now becomes a problem insofar as pulses are being missed.
Using the HSC appears not to be an option as although this function can easily count at much higher speeds, it's the amount of time it takes for the HSCDEF function to perform it Cusf operation that again causes timing problems.
The only way I can think of overcoming this problem is to have a faster scan speed, so would overclocking be an option to explore? If not, do you have any other ideas? Thanks.
PS Are you planning to release a faster PLC soon with larger memory?

Technical support / Splitting or decimalising a Counter output?
« on: September 26, 2006, 01:58:35 AM »
Is it possible to display a counter output (including an HSC output), so that for example 1234 can be displayed as 12.34?  Or 654321 is displayed as 6543.21

If not, can you please advise how I can?  Thanks. ???

Technical support / Re:I-7017
« on: April 03, 2006, 09:09:06 AM »
The ADC ports apparently divide a 5v level into 1024 bits, and then this is multiplied by 4 (to 4096) for some reason, which is why I think you are getting your +/- 4 variation.

Technical support / ADC Lockup
« on: April 03, 2006, 04:34:41 AM »
I'm using a resistive networked matrix keyboard, which is interfaced to 3 of the ADC inputs of a 1616 PLC, and most of the time the configuration works well. But it seems that when I initiate either one of two sequencers in my program, all three ADC ports just 'freeze' for no apparent reason!
Using the 'Online monitoring' facility I can easily monitor the ADC input levels, and these are seen to just 'freeze' when I activate a sequencer from the keyboard, and therefore the keyboard becomes inactive and useless. However, when I advance the sequencer via the 'Online monitoring' simulator, everything then jumps back into life???

Can you please throw some light on why this is happening? Is this maybe a bug within the PLC's operating system?  Any assistance would be much appreciated. Thanks. :-\

Technical support / Scan time
« on: March 16, 2006, 04:18:48 AM »
Could you please tell me what the typical scan time is for a program of approx 6000 words (max capacity of PLC), and would it be half that time for a program of 3000 words i.e. is scan time directly proportional to program length? :-\

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