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Messages - ondercin

Pages: [1]
Technical support / Re:FMD88, AN20MA and Keyence Lasers
« on: January 17, 2017, 06:20:49 AM »
Okay, so I've managed to get some very promising results using Gary's suggestions!
I've been focused on ADC8 mainly and am getting pretty good results, but I'm going to add some resistors and see if I can get even better readings.
Thanks in advance, and don't worry I'll reach out again if I run into issues!


Technical support / Re:FMD88, AN20MA and Keyence Lasers
« on: January 10, 2017, 03:28:43 PM »
I wasn't able to get back to this today due to other urgent year end work issues... hopefully I can get back to this tomorrow afternoon.

Technical support / Re:FMD88, AN20MA and Keyence Lasers
« on: January 09, 2017, 02:51:34 PM »
WOW Gary! Awesome response..
I'll check things over tomorrow when I return to my office

Thanks and I'll keep you updated if I require the files you have to share!

Technical support / FMD88, AN20MA and Keyence Lasers
« on: January 09, 2017, 06:43:11 AM »
Okay, I've gotten so far and things looked good but it's just not working right

Keyence thinks the PLC might not be accurate enough... But I'm not giving up that easy!
I've got 3 Keyence lasers model # LR-TB5000

They are connected to FMD88-10 via AN20MA-2 interface.

On the AN20MA the lasers are connected as follows
Laser 1 (white wire (50ma analog OUT) connected to AD5, Laser 2 -> AD6, Laser 3 -> AD7
All Lasers - Brown wires (0-30v DC) connect to 24v on the AN20MA
All Lasers - Black wires (50mA) connected to AGND on the AN20MA

Using VB to connect to the FMD88, and TriLogicClient.GetStream
   Sending a command of “@01RA01085B*”, I get a returned result for all the Analog ports:
      = @01RA08002E0031002D002C05A005670587003352*

   Since I am only interested in AD5->7
      AD5 Hex 05A0 = 1440 decimal
      AD6 Hex 0567 = 1383 decimal
      AD7 Hex 0587 = 1415 decimal

I have the lasers mounted about 37” above the floor, and the response times are set to 1000ms
Looking at only Laser 2 (AD6) the Keyence digital output reads 74mm which is correct as I measured it.

Running the send command every 100ms for 2 minutes and measuring the lowest and highest numbers
   Low = 1382 decimal and High = 1395 decimal

Now I have removed my 74mm block and just measuring to the floor which is 0, but due to my carpet maybe the laser is flickering between 0mm & 1mm
Again running the send command for another 2 minutes and measuring the lowest and highest numbers
   Low = 1430 decimal and High = 1439 decimal

Blocking the laser with tape to max it out and running the send command for another 2 minutes
   Low = 817 decimal and High = 826 decimal

How can I accurately have the TriLogic PLC respond so that I can convert that decimal number into an accurate millimeter reading?

I’ll admit I am new the TriLogic PLC boards and thought I’d give them a shot because of the price point and the good things I’ve heard about them.

I’ve attached images of the boards and wiring

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