« on: July 31, 2013, 11:30:25 AM »
I am trying, with no success, to send commands to an Allen Bradley Ultra 3000 from an F2424 through the Comm 1 Port.
The AB host command manual shows the data format as
Start Address Parameter Function Data Checksum End
: aa ppp f dd cc <cr>, where all commands begin with a colon (0x3A), and terminate with a carriage return (0x0D). I can successfully send out a command such as :0006110375 though hyperterminal. The hyperterminal has to be set with the following parameters:
Emulation is set to VT100
Selected (checkmark) Not Selected (no checkmark)
Echo typed characters locally Send line ends with line feeds
Append line feeds to incoming line ends Force incoming data to 7 bit ASCII
Wrap lines that exceed terminal width
The Ultra 3000 com port is set to 38,400 baud, 8 data bits, No parity, 1 stop bit, No Flow Control.
The connection to the PC was made with a null modem adapter, which was also used when connecting to the F2424.
I have a string of commands that when issued on the PC will initiate motion on the servo drive, but do nothing from the F2424.
As an example, my code uses the Print Command; PRINT #1 ":0006110375" and sets a timer for 5 seconds after which time the command A$ = INPUT$(1) is issued. There is nothing written to A$, and there is no motion when going through the full string of commands. I have tried this with every variation of the SETPROTOCOL Command, including no protocol. I read another post on the forum, and also tried changing the commands to
PRINT #1 ":0006110375\0D\0A"
This variation also received no response.
I am trying to find out if there is an error with my formatting of the command, or if the F2424 is capable of sending the command the same way the VT100 emulation does on hyperterminal.
Sorry for the long post, but i wanted to give aas much information as possible. I appreciate any help regarding this matter.