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Messages - chai_thing05

Pages: [1]
Technical support / Re:FMD-88-10 PLC
« on: December 06, 2013, 03:53:08 AM »
RemoteFS is ONLY for communicating with TLServer to perform special functions such as writing a file to the PC or sending out an email on its behalf. It is not for PLC to PLC communications.
>> Yes, we used RemoteFS to writing a file (e.g Input/Output triggered) and send back to PC. TLServer is always turn on.

What is the Room B user using to receive the message from PLC in Room A? Is it text messages, emails or is it another PLC?
>> text file (.txt) and less than 1KB.

In your first post said that you have 32 FMD88-10 PLCs connected to the network. May I know are these PLC talking to each other or all of them try to talk to another PLC?
>> 32x FMD88-10 are standalone with one static IP and One workstation act as a Monitoring Signal from 32nos of PLC.

Please explain a bit more clearly of your setup in order for us to understand what is the issue you face.
>> 32 x PLC + one workstation connected to network switch, hence all devices are in same network.
>> for example, sometime user mentioned when they press a input button and didn't received any .txt from plc to notify them via workstation.
>> when encounter this problem, we did a ping test to ensure the network connectivity. unfortunately, there is many drop packet from PC ping to PLC.
>> 2nd, user just do a power cycle for the PLC , and do a same ping test again. the drop packet is gone.
>> after few days/weeks, same problem occurred again.

Are you able to use i-TRiLOGI to perform online monitoring on these PLCs?
>> YES

How is the connection quality? Do you often face communication errors when you perform online monitoring? If so then it is likely your networking equipment has some issues.
>>  we have other devices connected to this network switch , but the ping result is healthy also.

Technical support / Re:FMD-88-10 PLC
« on: December 04, 2013, 10:16:00 AM »
basically, my plc is pretty straight forward and simple as below.

1. press button cable connected to PLC-Input Terminal and LED light cable connected to PLC-Output terminal (located in Room A)
2. Assigned an IP address and PLC ID , PLC connected to network switch
3. When user pressed a button and LED light is ON at Room A, PLC will RemoteFS a message via IP address to Room B's user.

added to this, the transmission problems such as lost data packets is happen in intermittently ..

Technical support / Re:FMD-88-10 PLC
« on: December 04, 2013, 09:50:47 AM »


What kind of communications ? - TCP/IP

The ping command was executed by/from PC to the PLC.

4) What communication protocol is being used (Hostlink command, Modbus/TCP, HTTP or FTP?) -  RemoteFS

Is the PLC at the same time also communicating with other devices using serial protocol? - No.
Are these serial link healthy (i.e. PLC is not wasting a lot of time waiting for response from non-existence slave)? - Yes

Technical support / FMD-88-10 PLC
« on: December 02, 2013, 10:33:15 PM »

We used 32 nos of FMD-88-10 PLC and having a problem with lost communication/signal from plc.
tried to use "ping" command to check the connectivity and realized that there are many drop packet from PLC end.

Please advise.

Technical support / Re:PLC Error Display
« on: November 28, 2012, 12:41:14 AM »
thanks for your reply.

May i have some sample program to test it ?

Technical support / PLC Error Display
« on: November 27, 2012, 04:25:30 AM »

How to detect and then display the PLC's error on LCD 216 ?

e.g Lost connection (due to hardware failure? network ?) , Input/output terminal faulty, PLC error ... and etc.


Technical support / Re:MonitorThread
« on: November 20, 2012, 12:59:29 AM »
thank a lot !!  ;)

Technical support / Re:MonitorThread
« on: November 14, 2012, 10:46:55 PM »
thanks for your reply.

We can't use the system.exit(0) or exit(1), because it will close all my program.

There are more than one screen in this program.

That's y we looking for how to close the socket connection while the screen disposed.

Technical support / Re:MonitorThread
« on: November 14, 2012, 02:10:41 AM »
Thanks for your reply.

my result:
1st test- connection ok.
2nd test- connection ok.
3rd teset- Log In Using Socket Connection

even i closed the application after 3rd test, there still have "javaw.exe" in running .. hence i need to manual "end process" and continue it.

attached is the processes runnning on CPU backend.

Technical support / MonitorThread
« on: November 13, 2012, 06:07:06 AM »

I'm developing a java GUI for PLC monitoring ...

I using "MonitorThread" for monitor the status of PLC connected.

       MonitorThread mt = new MonitorThread();

But, May i know how to stop/close the thread as well ?

I tried to use "mt.stop();" , but can't ...

Pls advise. Thanks.

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