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Messages - Hermes

Pages: [1]
Technical support / What happens if N.JS file is >16K?
« on: March 26, 2011, 01:36:55 PM »
I modified the N.JS file to accommodate some additional remote I/O.  The comment at the top of the file says max file size is 16K.  My modified file slightly exceeded the maximum limit of 16K.  After I downloaded it using FileZilla to the Nano-10 PLC, I can no longer connect to the PLC via the Ethernet port.

I can connect to the Nano PLC using i-TRiLOGI software with the localhost and retrieve the parameters from the PLC via the RS485 port.

Using i-TRiLOGI , I can go to Controller, Ethernet and ADC Configuration and download and change my IP address information etc.

I can connect via the RS485 port and download the original i-Relay.PC6 file and on line monitor it with i-TRiLOGI, but I cannot connect to the Ethernet port.

I cannot get FileZilla to connect to the server so I can delete the N.JS file that is too big and load a smaller one.

When I connect the PLC to my router, it does not recognize the Nano-10 device.  I cannot ping the device from my laptop connected to the network.  

The Nano-10 has been connected to my network for several months now and it has been working fine until I tried to download this file.

Did downloading the large file do something to keep me from communicating with the PLC via the Ethernet port?  Can you suggest how I can connect to the Nano 10 to download a smaller version of N.JS and the 0.htm file, if necessary?

Thanks for all of your help.  I can now use the E10-Relay+ as remote I/O of the Nano10 via a PC over the internet!

When I send ?@01IR00*? the E10-Relay+ returns ?@01IRO15B*?.

I have not replaced the chip yet, but I was successful communicating somewhat with the E10-Relay+.  I would still like to confirm it is not something I am doing wrong.  I have some more data that may help you confirm what the problem is.

Here are input states and responses when I issue the command: @01RI0000*
inputs 1 through 4 all off: Response= @01RI005A* (so 0000, is 00, ok )
input 4 is on: response= 01RI0852* (so 1000, is 08, ok)
input 1 and 4 are on: response= 01RI0953 (so 1001, is 09, ok)
other combinations provided the predicted responses for the inputs.

When I issue the output command: @01WO0000* it turns off all 4 outputs and returns @01WO59*
When I issue the output command: @01WO0059* it turns on outputs 1 and 4 and returns @01WO59*.  (I don?t understand this.  What does 59 represent?)
When I issue other output commands I get the same error code always.
I am not successful with write commands.

I also loaded a small program in the Nano10 PLC and issued the same commands as above using the NETCMD$ statement.  I was able to make the E10-Relay+ do the same thing as when issuing the commands from the TLServer.

Do you recommend replacing the RS485 driver?

I used the TLServer Serial Port Setup screen and the RS485 adapter to check the ID of the Nano10 PLC and was able to check it and change the id of the Nano10 from 01 to 02.  When I hook the RS485 adapter to the E10-Relay+ and enter the "IR*" command, the E10-Relay+ responds with yR01*.  I can't figure out why it responds with yR01* and not IR01*.  I still can't seem to communicate correctly with the E10 Relay+.  I am pretty sure I have the baud rate at 9600, 8,n,1.  Any suggestions?

Thanks for the quick response.
Do I also need to know the default ID of the E10-Relay+ when using the NETCMD$ command?  I don't know what the ID of the E10-Relay+ is now.

Technical support / Using the E10+ PLC as remote I/O for the Nano-10 PLC.
« on: February 17, 2011, 05:41:32 AM »
I recently purchased the Nano-10 starter kit and use the sample program to control the digital outputs remotely using the sample web page and i-Relay.PC6 program that was provided.  I need additional outputs so I purchased the E10-Relay+ and connected the two devices using the RS485 ports with a short cable.  I purchased the iTriLOGI software for the Nano-10 but not the WinTriLOGI for the E10+ because I did not think it is needed if the E10-Relay+ is only used as a slave device.

I cannot establish communication with the E10-Relay+.  I read that each PLC must be given a unique ID. I try to have the Nano-10 (master) send commands to the slave using the ?NETCMD? statement but I don?t know the ID of the E10-Relay+.

Is there a simple application example or some instructions which will tell me how to use the E10+ as a slave and how to program the Nano-10 and/or modify the sample HTM files so that I can toggle both the Nano-10 outputs and the E10-Relay+ outputs remotely from the internet using a single web page?

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