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Messages - bennetttodd

Pages: [1]
Technical support / Re:nano 10 internet connection problems
« on: December 18, 2010, 06:13:04 PM »
Hi, a ping to the public IP of the router was successful, but not to the homepage using the public IP-

I've added a rule to the firewall and that hasn't helped either (attached). I've used the ip address of the plc but should this be of the router?

Any other suggestions?

Technical support / nano 10 internet connection problems
« on: December 18, 2010, 06:23:26 AM »
Hi, I have had success in accessing the nano 10 on both a wireless LAN and via Ethernet cable, but am having problems with internet access. I am using the supplied 0.htm files as my test page.

Am using a home router before attempting doing the same with the company setup for ease. I've included the router info:

MAC Address    00:25:69:32:72:5a
IP Address
Network Type    MER
IP Subnet Mask
Gateway IP Address
Domain Name Server
LAN Port
MAC Address    00:25:69:32:72:58
IP Address
DHCP    enable
IP Subnet Mask

The PLC is plugged in via Ethernet cable to the router(no PC's are currently on the network,just a phone via wireless to access the 0.htm webpage)
I have port forwarded 9080 on the router, and tried to connect to, and have not changed any settings to the PLC that allowed it to be accessed on the LAN (via

can you please point out the obvious things I'm doing wrong here? thanks.

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