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Messages - relitech

Pages: [1]
Technical support / Re:T64H
« on: February 10, 2010, 01:47:02 AM »
Oops..that's a bit of a problem. I install that progam about 10 years ago using Dos version and RS 232 cable. Since then, I've connected to the plc 4 or 5 times to  modifiy the program, still using Dos version. Now I don't have the Dos version anymore.
- Can I get the Dos version of TriLOGI
- would I be able to retrieve my old program.

Technical support / Re:T64H
« on: February 09, 2010, 07:18:26 AM »
Thanks mate..The link you provide helps me to understand about the RS232 and I'm connected to the plc. It was both Com port setting and USB to RS232 converter.

The next thing is, I'm not able to retrieve programs in the plc using "Open matching source file" from "Controller" menu. What I did was, I do "Program transfer to plc" using demo program. It says program transfer complete. Using new Untittled page, I tried to retrieve back the program and I cant. Changing the filename to the same one as I have uploaded earlier and I still cant. Both occassion it prompt filename does not exist. Hope you can help on that. Thanks.

Technical support / Re:T64H
« on: February 08, 2010, 02:17:05 PM »
Thanks for your quick respond. Yes I'm using WinTRiLOGI version 3.52. From the pull-down Controller menu, I use Detect ID since I'm connected to one plc but still could not get connected. About the voltage presence at pin 4, how do I check them? Are there any particular brand of USB to RS232 recomended to work with T64H?

Technical support / Re:T64H
« on: February 07, 2010, 05:53:27 PM »
What I meant was, I have USB to RS232 cable but I still can't get connected. Perhaps a standard off-the -shelve cable such as these are not suitable for plc applications? Thanks.

Technical support / T64H
« on: February 07, 2010, 05:34:38 AM »
Hi, I'm not able to connect to T64H. Any idea about USB to RS232 cable.?

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