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Messages - bongofury

Pages: [1]
Technical support / Re:Does Online Monitoring slow down the program
« on: February 19, 2010, 09:27:37 PM »
At the risk of not knowing what application you are using for monitoring the 30 thermocouples, or why it is important to check them every second, I would like to add my 1 1/2 cents worth.
   As you probably know, thermocouples are subject to what is known as "thermal inertia" meaning it takes time for the thermocouple to react to a change in temperature.  Especially when a thermocouple is cooling down. Heat goes to cold. Whether cold is room temperature, or any other reference point, it dictates how fast a thermocouple reacts to a cooling change, as opposed to a heating change.  I.E. it takes longer for a thermocouple to cool, because the change to warmer takes energy, whereas the cooling process takes no energy.  Cold can be defined as an infinite heat sink (Earth, Factory, test environ or Space) and heat as a localized event, in terms of a Delta T, ambient vs. desired process variable (fish sticks cook better at 400 F than at ambient) in respect to the limitations, (Earth, Factory, test environ or Space).
  To add to the equation, the distance of the heating (or cooling)
body or element, from the thermocouple's aspect, is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from said body or element.  The placement and location of the thermocouple needs to be taken into consideration when evaluating raw data.
   In short, it may be beneficial to extend the sample times, of the thermocouples, to 2 1/2 to 5 seconds. It might result in a more representive temperature change during the measured process and it will make the asssociated PID loops ( if used) easier to manage.  And, it will reduce the load on the communication network (RS-485).
   I hope I have not wasted anybody's time reading this......


Technical support / Re:LCD module on T1M00MD-2424+
« on: February 14, 2010, 02:56:10 PM »
I tried to replicate the scenario you described (as I understood it) on F2424 using the Tri 4x20 LCD. I used two special bit clk's,
a 0.5sec and a 1.0sec. I had them fire 2 relays(1 and 2).  Then I used two {dCusF}(1a and 2a).  I then created the 1's and 0's lines as described in the {dCusF}'s.  When clocks of the same value were used, I noticed some instability on the LCD read out.  I then changed clock values.  Still some instability.  Then I introduced the relays, using them to trigger the {dCusF}.  Same result. Then I had relay 1 trigger {dCusF}2a and relay 2 trigger {dCusF}1a.  This stablilized the LCD read out dramatically.  A few things come to mind from this experiment:
1. Clocks of the same value may "fight" each other under certain ladder configurations.
2. The simulator and the PLC behave slightly different.
3. I used the SETLCD 0,0, CHR$(1) to clear the LCD as the first command in my {dCusF}'s.
5. Using too short of clock values affects the LCD readability.
4. The opposing relay trigger puzzles me as to why it works, in this instance.

Support will probably have a much better explanation/solution and there is a good chance  that I didn't fully understand your question, so I hope that I didn't lead you down a dirt road and waste your time.


Try this in your {dCusF} to experiment with:

if C>P

Create a relay named TripRelay first.
You will need to provide a latch contact for it to stay latched.

Good Luck, Dave

Technical support / Re:CAN ANYBODY HELP ME??!!:((
« on: July 28, 2009, 05:31:59 PM »
If you are asking about the TRI-PLC, the answer is no.  If you are asking about other brands of PLC's then you'll need to go to a different forum.

Technical support / Re:low frequency PWM
« on: June 15, 2009, 08:11:30 PM »
Management is likely to reconsider if numbers are used.  In support of what Support is saying:
15Hz = 15 cycles per second
15Hz X 60 seconds = 900 cycles per minute
900 X 1441 minutes (One Day) = 1,296,826

At 10,000,000 cycles of expected relay life in a 24/7 environment, this equals 7.7 days (10,000,000/1,296,826)  before failure of the relay, either mechanically or electrically.

Another factor to keep in mind is Relay Harmonic Chatter.  This is caused by the reed/contact assembly that all electro/mechanical relays share.  At the speeds you intend to run these you will end up with spurious operation due to RHC and Magnetic Flux Collapse of the relay coil, (satuation) at best.  Contact failure due to micro-pitting of the contact surfaces will probably occur well before the 10 million cycle life of a "normally" used relay.

It should be readily apparent that an electro/mech relay cannot be used in the application described with any confidence.
Best of luck......Dave :o

Technical support / Re:Time Delay Drop Out Relay
« on: June 11, 2009, 06:48:27 PM »
Dan, I put together a small program, specific to TRI T100MD+ that will do what you want.  Email me at <> if you would like.  You will need i-TRiLOGI to open it.........Dave ;D

Technical support / Re:DM Manipulating
« on: May 17, 2009, 11:41:25 AM »
Support, you were right, it was something in my program.  I simplified the program to a single input firing the {dCusf} with DM[1]=[n].  Worked perfect.  Good call........Dave :)

Technical support / DM Manipulating
« on: May 14, 2009, 05:42:46 PM »
 ::)  Hi All, we have successful bi-directional comm. with the f2424 via Modbus RTU.  However when I change a value in DM[n] it holds for one scan and then reverts back to the original value.  I see the value change on the LCD and in the monitor mode.  I would like to use DM's as set point placements for PID control.  Wrong application of DM's?

Technical support / Re:Display PLC current time and date on LCD420
« on: March 18, 2009, 08:30:46 PM »
Thanks to the moderator!  I WAS missing something obvious....

Technical support / Display PLC current time and date on LCD420
« on: March 17, 2009, 07:36:09 PM »
Very new to TRI.  The ladder portion is easy enough.   The TBasic is new to me.  I can program all 4 lines to say "start", "stop" etc. associated with input or output change of state.  I can't figure out how to display time and date when the plc is in idle.  I feel I am missing something obvious......
Any help would be appreciated,   Dave

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