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Messages - gecs

Pages: [1]
Technical support / Re:Trilog
« on: April 09, 2014, 04:45:56 PM »
Not too sure what you mean. Is your i-TRiLOGI running properly on  your desktop PC? Or you are unable to launch the i-TRiLOGI software on your desktop PC? But you mentioned that you have the software installed on your desktop for sometime so I presume it must be running?

If it doesn't run then it could be due to a Java JRE upgrade on your desktop. In that case please contact with your purchase records (invoice #, vendor's name etc) and we will then send you the download link to download the latest copy of i-TRiLOGI. The good thing about the latest version is that it automatically install the JRE1.4.2_19 and will use it automatically even if your Windows update your Java automatically to newer version.

I have downloaded the upgrade on my desk PC and copied the file to my laptop. Because of the problem i am having i have not tried to install it on my desk top PC.  I can install it on my laptop but when i try and open either version 7 or 6 i get an error message. The server opens
I have emailed support for a download link

Technical support / Re:Trilog
« on: April 08, 2014, 05:21:39 PM »
If you have a running copy on your desktop, just click "Help" and "Upgrade TRiLOGI" and download the full setup file which you can then install on your laptop.

I tried this but i get an error when i try to open trilog ( the sever seems to work)
the message i get is "application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135) "

Technical support / Trilog
« on: April 07, 2014, 08:18:45 PM »
I have the software installed on my desk top PC and need to get it on my new lap top but i have lost the disk  :'(
I have tried copying the file from the desk top to the lap top but cant get it to install.
Can anybody help on how i can do this

Technical support / Can bus
« on: August 12, 2009, 06:40:51 PM »
We have used the tri for diesel engine control and monitoring successfully. It is becoming more common for engines to have electronic control systems requiring communication via can bus.
Is it possible to use the Tri, has anybody had any experiece using the tri ?

Technical support / Re:transfering prigram to plc
« on: December 16, 2008, 03:12:34 PM »
All fixed  ;D
I did not realise that you had to open the server
Thank you for your prompt support

Technical support / Re:transfering prigram to plc
« on: December 15, 2008, 10:39:36 PM »
I am sorry to apperar so dumb - where do i find the ttl server set up sreen ?

Technical support / transfering prigram to plc
« on: December 15, 2008, 10:12:17 PM »
I appologise if this is a dumb question. I am an new user and i cant seem to work out how to transfer my program to the plc. The local agent ( Australia) is away at the moment so i cant ask him.
I have connected a T100MD2424 to com 1 on my computer (lap top running XP service pack 1) with the standard cable.
When i try and transfer i get asked to detect plc id, but when i click on it i get an "unsucessful connection". I have tried 9600 and 38400 baud with no luck.
Where are i going wrong  ???

Pages: [1]