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Messages - chaliocampos

Pages: [1]
Technical support / modbus and sensorad radio
« on: November 06, 2008, 01:27:51 AM »
hello my problem is this, I need to read data from a radio model dr9050 Wilkerson, in the table of data from the radio shows me the following:
input coils (switch status, 1000x)
registers 10001-10004
array of 4 switches per addres/node
slave adress 2
function 02
starting address hi byte 00
starting address lo byte 00
no.points hi byte 00
no.of points lo byte 04
the configuration in my plc is setbaud 3, &h13 is same
9600 bps, 8 bits, 2 stop,1 start no parity,
how maping this adress? for read status, of these bits?
I need to map out the record in t100md1616 +,
how can read this values?
sender me please information.

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