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Messages - Pilot

Pages: [1]
Technical support / Re:T100MD+ High Speed Counters
« on: December 01, 2009, 05:38:00 AM »
Thank you very much for the reply.  :)  I have adjusted my code accordingly but the interrupt still fails to run the custom function.  (guess that I'm still missing something) :(  The reason that I am attempting to use the interrupt instead of a regular latching relay as you had suggested, is variability in the response.  I'm guessing that the scan time of the ladder logic is long enough so that depending on where in the cycle the program is when the input is triggered determines the delay in starting the timer.  My program involves a delay timer then an output - both for time periods specified by the user via the MD-HMI.  The program works fine except that the initial delay and output length are not consistant (enough).  All timers are high speed.  Thanks again.  Your input is very much appreciated. :)

Technical support / Re:T100MD+ High Speed Counters
« on: November 27, 2009, 08:40:18 AM »
I've been struggling with attempting to use an interupt to start a timer.  I'm a little confused...based on the post below- how input pins 3 and 4 can trigger interupts 1 and 2.  Don't the input pin #s need to coorespond with the interupt #s ?  Thanks.

I've taken a stab at using the interrupt input mechanism to interface a low speed quadrature encoder at 2X to the M-series PLC.

This approach is just fast enough.  I connected the the A phase to Input pins 3 and 4 (Interrupts #1 and #2).  I connected the B phase to Input #5 (no special handling).  Variable A will be used to hold the current count. RELAY "TIC" will be used to comunicate to the ladder logic that the A variable has changed.

I initialized the interrupt system with the following TBASIC code:

INTRDEF 1, 2, 1??????' Positive Edge Interrupt handler
INTRDEF 2, 3, 0??????' Negative Edge Interrupt handler

A = 0????????????' A will be used to store count

Interrupt #1 will handle the positive edge of phase A and the TBASIC code is as follows:

' PosEdgeA Interrupt handler
' Increment/Decrement based on phase B
if testIO(B) : A=A+1 : else A=A-1 endif

Interrupt #2 handles the negative edge of the A phase:

' NegEdgeA
' Increment/Decrement based on phase B
if testIO(B): A=A-1 : else A=A+1 endif

Thanks for all you your support.  

Gary D

Technical support / Interupt to trigger a timer
« on: September 30, 2009, 09:59:48 AM »
I'm trying to use an interupt (INTRDEF) to activate a hs timer.  The timer(s) have been been defined high speed in a custom function executed at the beginning of the program.  Should the interupt custom function be positioned in the same ladder circuit as the timer or in a circuit immediatly before the timer circuit?  I need to eliminate any lag between triggering the input and starting the timer.  Thanks in advance for your insight.

Technical support / Cursor position
« on: May 15, 2008, 05:49:45 AM »
Does anyone know how to position the cursor on the MD-HMI?  I have been through all the manuals and online documentation without any luck so far.

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