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Messages - mikeincinci

Pages: [1]
Technical support / Re:High incidence of DOA LCDs
« on: April 14, 2008, 12:25:04 PM »
I do have a test fixture for these with a known good PLC and a regulated power supply.  I have years of experience with these and use common sense and good electrical work practices, such as ESD prevention and connecting equipment unpowered.  At least one of the LCDs arrived with a dead backlight, but most have issue with the display showing some random block pattern.  I test the display first, and if it is ok, then I test the backlight.

We order through a non-stocking distributor, CaliTech in Louisiana.  Our recent LCDs shipped to us directly from somewhere in California.

I am hesitant to reopen this issue with sales because of my experience last time.  Your manufacturing and test processes do not issue/track serial numbers or issue individual test reports.  I am leaning toward having a third party (distributor) perform testing in accordance with our QA program before sending to us.  
Do you have any such QA-testing distributors already?  CaliTech has expressed a willingness to do this testing for a minimal additional charge.

Technical support / High incidence of DOA LCDs
« on: April 14, 2008, 09:17:02 AM »
Has anyone else experienced a high level of DOA (dead on arrival) 420 LCDs for use with the T100MD1616+?  For 6 years I never had any problems, but in the last 18-24 months, I've had about a 20%-30% DOA rate, about ten total.  I sent a batch of bad ones back for testing last year, but found Mr. Yew's response unsatisfactory.  They are cheap, so I currently order extras each time, treating them as disposable.

I have never had one fail in use.


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