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Messages - Mike_PAC

Pages: [1]
Technical support / Multiable RS-232 Devices
« on: May 11, 2006, 02:50:17 PM »
 I am starting a project that I will extract data from four (4) Laser sensors. Only communication available is via RS-232. The laser sensors will sent a data value out representing a distance
( 0 -12" ) that is measured. The data from each of the sensors will only be sent when a photo-eye detects the presence of the object. Conveyor speeds are SLOW!!! Object will be in the window for 3 - 4 secs.
 Will the T100M888+ be capable of this task? Only output is a digital one to light a indicator light to alert the operator that there is a problem.

Technical support / Scale input to Eng. Units
« on: December 28, 2005, 07:24:01 PM »
 I have a project where I need to measure the height of a box and deal it off to one of many directions according to it's measurement. I am using an ultrasonic transducer to do this. I am inputting this to an 888+ PLC and it works great. My problem is that it is not linear over the entire range. I have a range of 0" to 24" with the 0" representing no box present to the 24" equaling the tallest box. If I have it correct at the max. height then It will be off by 1/2" at the min. height.

 The ultrasonic output is 0-10vdc of which I use a resister network as outlined in the manual to derive a 0 - 5 vdc input. This works correctly.
 The formula I am using is B = ((ADC(1) * Z)/4092)
 Z = 2400 which is 24" x 10 to get rid of the real number.
I need to measure down from 0.0" to 24.0"
What am I doing wrong?

Everything works correctly, just that it is not linear. It has to be in my scaling formula.

Technical support / Re:RS485 - Rs232 Communication
« on: November 17, 2004, 08:12:15 PM »
 Thanks! That fixed it! .. I must have had Brain Fade!!!!!!

Technical support / RS485 - Rs232 Communication
« on: November 17, 2004, 09:06:46 AM »
 I am using your T100MD888 to communicate to a operator display. I need to send ASCII characters to this display.  The display operates as a display only, not to communicate back to the Tri-PLC.
 I am using the RS485 port with the Tri-PLC RS232-RS485 converter.
The operator display has a fixed baud rate of 1200, with no handshaking required. The operator display is set for RS232 levels, and uses "2" start bits, 1 Stop bit, 8 Data bits and no parity.
I wired the RS232/RS485 Tri-Plc converter using pins 3 and 5.
 I have a custom function triggered from the 1st scan bit to set the buad rate on port #3
 ie; Setbaud 3, &H0F

I have another custom function that is triggered with a pushbutton input to send out a single character to the operator display.
 ie; Print #3 "A"

I get the Red LED on the RS232/RS485 to flash each time when the function is called but no data on the display.

What am I doing wrong?

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