« on: June 13, 2011, 07:21:14 PM »
Hello everyone,
I'm having a problem with the Nano-10 Ethernet port.
I can connect to the PLC through it's com port No. 1 using "Modbus TCP Server" and "ASPIC" as the HMI, and control everything fine (that include, activating internal relays and reading the data of many variables).
The problem comes when I tries to use the Ethernet port to monitor and control the PLC. I can read the data of all the different variables that I need, but when I tray to activate the internal relays of the Nano-10 it's just not accepting the command.
The problem Only show up when I use the Ethernet port. Using the Com Port No. 1 is not giving me any problems.
I made a few test transferring a simple program that consist on a single internal relay that activate an output, but it does not work when I tries to activated it from the HMI Program.
Any help will be appreciated.