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Messages - dianjai

Pages: [1]
Technical support / energized
« on: September 26, 2007, 11:42:12 AM »
Hi, I would like to know what happens when i have duplicate coil which says "Output signl is already energized"... Can i still add on more duplicate coil n will my program work? It seems that when using timer to ON my outputs for individual buttons, i may need to have duplicate coils. thx

Technical support / Re:urgent need help!!!
« on: September 04, 2007, 11:08:00 PM »
i dun have the purchase record with me as it is with my supervisor. he have to use the P.O to claim back from school. i have the quotation if it might help...?

Technical support / Re:urgent need help!!!
« on: September 04, 2007, 08:32:38 AM »
im currently using T100MD-888+ with the HMI keypad as well. have the software too...i just cant figure out how to program call another program... I'll work on the suggestion you gave. thx but i may have to trouble you or the ppl out there for help... hope dun mind ok...
                  ____/        \
         ____/        :         \
____/       :         :        : \
        :       :         :        :
from prog 2 i need to call prog 3. Like i said after 5secs, it rise/call up to prog 3 then decelerate. by the way, this prog is to run a motor at 500rpm using prog 2 and 5secs ltr, up to 3000rpm using the m0,m1,m2 n cw.

thx alot

Technical support / urgent need help!!!
« on: September 04, 2007, 02:08:23 AM »
i urgently need help to the kind ppl out der who ken help me with my plc using plc for the 1st time for my final year project. and my deadline is this friday. i still can't fig out how to do...

here's the scenerio/probs:-

i connect a driver(i/p) to plc(o/p). m0,m1,m2,cw
if i on any of the above, it will call out individual recipe such as
  m0  m1   m2
--||----||----||---- means OFF

i need to run prog 1 and after about 5secs run program 2 for eg.
  m0  m1   m2
--||----||----||---- prog 1
 m0  m1   m2
--|/|----||----|/|---- prog 2

how do i execute the above?pls pls help

Pages: [1]