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Messages - vrclan

Pages: [1]
Technical support / PLC multipoint using Lantronix 1100 UDS
« on: November 29, 2006, 02:49:04 AM »
Hi, I don't know if this is a bit off topic or what, but I'm really stumped and figured this would be a good place to check for an answer.
I'm trying to get PLC multipoint communication, basically having a "master" PLC talking to two "slaves" over a radio connection. The configuration is set up as PLC to Lantronix UDS 1100 (for serial to ethernet conversion) to Radio, on all ends.
I had a previous configuration like this, but only point to point, and it worked fine.
The problem is with the UDS 1100, it seems to require that I give it one "endpoint" IP to talk to, regardless of whether I use UDP or TCP settings, which in short means I can only get point to point. Ex talks to and vica versa, with no option of directing the UDS to multiple IPs.
Can anyone help me set up the multipoint configuration, or direct me to a better place on which to search for help on this device?
Your help is much appreciated.

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