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Messages - dedy

Pages: [1]
Technical support / Re:can't open *.pc5 files
« on: June 21, 2006, 03:26:34 AM »
this problem is hapened in the XP and involved with the unicode format
and when non-english charcters are in use.
u can solve the problem as follow:
<control panel>
<ragional and language option>
at "ragional options" select English (US) and apply
at "advanced" select non-unicode language to English (US) as well.
apply setup
note: in case you set only the "advanced" options, part of the characters may be
unreadable (e.g. the IP address in the TLServer window)

warnning : softwares that are not in unicode  and are
                  in the previos setted language may become unreadable ("gibrish")
                  and may-be effected.
                  my experiance shows that resetting to the privios setting fix the
                  "gibrish", but again u will not be able to open the PC5 files.

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