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Technical support / Re:Modbus
« on: February 23, 2011, 04:32:09 PM »
Hi. Thanks for the advice. Do I need to factor in anything when programing the slaves to talk to each other?

What if I have 4 slaves? Slave 1 need to read and write data from slave 2. Slave 2 need to read and write data from slave 3 and slave 1. Slave 3 need to read and write data to slave 1 and 2. Slave 4 will need to read and write data to slave 3. What can I do in this case in order to make it a more robust and efficient system?

Technical support / Re:Modbus
« on: February 23, 2011, 06:28:01 AM »
Hi. Does it mean I should connect Auto485 to both slave PLC comm 1 and link it to Master comm 3 to communicate while the 2 slave PLC will communicate using comm 3? So Master PLC will do a readmodbus(3,1,1) in order to get the data?

Technical support / Modbus
« on: February 22, 2011, 11:39:43 PM »
Hi. If I have a MD888 as a master, a laptop running Excel link to extract data from the master, master sending and collecting data from 2 slaves 888, will the system be fast? if slave 2 needs to depend on data from slave 1 to run, is it the best way to route the data from slave 2 to master then master to slave 1 in order to run? Or is there other ways?

Technical support / Re:RS232
« on: February 22, 2011, 06:57:08 AM »
Hi. If the RS232 is converted into RS485 using Auto485? Can the 2 PLCs communicate in Modbus? Thank You.

Technical support / RS232
« on: February 21, 2011, 08:17:30 AM »
Hi. Can MD888 to send modbus using RS232 to other MD888?

Technical support / Re:Excellink
« on: February 17, 2011, 06:39:48 PM »
Hi. So I can use a FMD88 to communicate with other plc using RS485, get temperature readings from I7018 using comm port 1 and auto485, and excellink and programming using Ethernet cable? Will the response be slow? Will be connecting push button to it also. Can the pushed buttons be detected without delay?

Technical support / Re:Excellink
« on: February 17, 2011, 08:21:44 AM »
Hi. So will it helps if I use a browser to get data from FMD88 instead of using Excel Link? Excel Link will have some delay while browser will be like online monitoring?

Technical support / Re:Excellink
« on: February 16, 2011, 08:41:10 AM »
Hi. If Excel Link is running every 0.5s and MD888 is using readmodbus to communicate with other slave PLC, will the execution time of the whole program be slowed down?

How do one estimate the execution time of the whole program? One step takes approximate 12 micro second but what about custom functions?

Technical support / Re:i-7018
« on: February 09, 2011, 09:46:07 PM »
Hi. So it means the RS232 can be configured to communicate with I7018 and RS485 communicate with MD888 at the same time? All I have to do is get a Auto485 to use it with the MD888? So all I have to do is change the port number in the custom function in order to communicate using RS232?

Thank you.

Technical support / Re:i-7018
« on: February 09, 2011, 08:49:39 AM »
Hi. Is it possible to use convert RS232 port into RS485 and communicate with I7018 while using the built in RS485 to communicate with other MD888? Thank you.

Technical support / Re:Programmers
« on: February 09, 2011, 08:47:50 AM »
what type of project?

Technical support / Motor Speed control
« on: February 04, 2011, 10:48:41 AM »
Hi. Currently trying to use a MD888 to control the speed of a motor. The motor is connected to a motor driver. MD888 will output a 0-5vdc analogue output to the driver and the driver will adjust the speed of the motor accordingly. When I use hscdef to stop the motor when hscpv[1]=0, the driver indicates an error of overload, meaning the stopping of the motor is too fast. I know this may be a problem of the driver but does anyone know how to implement a function to decelerate the motor accordingly and stop at the correct position with high repeatability? Thanks.


Technical support / i-7018
« on: January 30, 2011, 08:09:51 AM »
Hi. Is there any way to export the data from I-7018 directly to excel spreadsheet using comm port and RS485? If this can be done, the computer will be able to control the heater using MD888. Is it possible? Thanks.

Technical support / itrilogi 6.3 function
« on: January 23, 2011, 04:07:00 AM »
Hi. Can you check if you can insert functions under F2 and the contents of the functions remain the same? Eg. Function 1 has contents 111, Function 2 has 222, function 3 has 333, function 4 has 444. If I shift function 3 up, function 2 will be deleted. All contents of functions are correct. However, when i want to insert a new function into slot 2 by shifting down function 3, the contents of the functions are having problems. Is it me only or is the itrilogi having some bug?


Technical support / Re:HSC
« on: January 16, 2011, 08:41:12 AM »
ok. problem solved. ULN2003A is faulty. Thanks.

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