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Technical support / Re: Nested Parentheses in Logical Expressions
« on: May 02, 2003, 12:11:32 PM »
You are right that the current TBASIC compiler doesn't process complexed logical expression the way C language does. Basically a While expression expect a simple comparison expression that could be joined by an "AND" or an "OR" operator.  It doesn't process logical expression within brackets (that may change in future). That's why terse expression like your example will not compile properly.

An equivalent expression is as follow:

I$ = INPUT$(1)

FOR I = 1 TO 20
     X = ASC(strupr$(I$),1)
     IF ASC(strupr$(I$),1)<>65 AND asc(strupr$(I$),1)<>82
         GOTO @5
         I$ = mid$(I$,2,len(I$)-1)

@5  ' Out of loop location

Technical support / Re: Nested Parentheses in Logical Expressions
« on: May 01, 2003, 01:35:28 PM »
If you just want to test one character, it is quite efficient to use the ASC function. If more than 1 character is needed for comparison, then replace it with a MID$ function.

The following code should do what you want to do:

I$ = INPUT$(1)


IF ASC(I$,1)=65 OR ASC(I$,1)=82  ' 'A' is ascii 65, 'R is ascii 82
   I$ = MID$(I$,2,len(I$)-1)
   I$ = "Wrong string"   ' or whatever !!

Technical support / Re: PID ramp temperature control
« on: July 01, 2003, 09:33:53 PM »
This is really a PLC programming issue and not a technical problem. If you are willing to get paid helps from outside consultant we can ask some of the consultants we know  to help you write the initial part of the program.

Otherwise, we can only offer you a description of how to control your ramp up cycle (ramp up from temperature -45 to temperature B+40 degree C within 1080 minutes). Normally your measured ADC reading is between 0 and 4092. You need to do some scaling to convert them into degree C. Assuming that each digit represent 0.1 degree after scaling, i.e. -45.0 degree means -450, and +40.0 degree is represented as 400:

At the ramp up cycle, the starting temperature is -450.
The end temperature is to be +400
Ramp up time = 1080 minutes

 ==> increment = 400-(-450)/(1080*60) = 0.0131 per second.

You can use a 1 second clock pulse to periodically execute a custom function. Within this custom function, you will increment a variable (say N) to keep track of the elapsed time from the start of the ramp up cycle. You will then compute the desired temperature at this instant and compare it to the measured temperature, then decide if you want to turn ON or OFF the heater:

N = N+1   ' keep track of elapsed seconds from start of cycle.
IF  N > 1080*60    ' times up
    .....            ' do whatever necessary

S = -450 + N*131/10000   ' S is desired set point.

T = ADC(1) * (some scale factor to give readings in 0.1 C)

If T < S       ' Temperature is below set point
     SETIO Heater
     CLRIO Heater   ' temperature is above setpoint

Technical support / Re: PID ramp temperature control
« on: June 11, 2003, 08:34:47 PM »
Are you able to control the amount of refrigeration and heating to be applied. ie. Are you able to control the power of the refrigeration and heating coils? PID loop can only work if these are variable. If your control is simply "ON/OFF" type, then the control will not be "PID". Instead, you just monitor the temperature say every second and decide when to shut off the power to the refrigeration/heating coil. You can monitor at different time for the target temperature in the ramp curve and if the temperature decrease or increase too fast then shut off the refrigeration/heating power.

Technical support / Re: SETLED LED Display
« on: July 02, 2003, 09:16:28 PM »
Although TRiLOGI has the SETLED command, it was never implemented in the hardware.

What is the interface to drive your 4 digit LED? Some LED has RS232/RS485 interface which the PLC can send data to be displayed. If your LED is just plain LED segments without driver, then you may use the PLC output to drive the LED segments if it is a common anode type. You will need current limiting resistor to limit the current to the LED. Note that in this case, each digit requires 7 or 8 (if including decimal) outputs.

You can then construct the segment pattern that correspond to each digit 0..9 by store them into a lookup table in memory and when you need to display a number, just take the corresponding output pattern to send to the outputs to drive the LED segments.

Technical support / Re: T100MD+ Counter Problems
« on: July 04, 2003, 08:15:46 AM »
If you use HSC then each channel takes up two inputs.

If you want to save on inputs and your frequency is low, then you could define input 3 as an interrupt input and then in the custom function that handles this interrupt, you can use a variable as a counter:

C = C+1

each time there is a transition in the input. That way input 4 will still be available for normal input.

If you use ordinary input, then how fast it can accept the input pulse stream depends on the scan time of the program which is dependent on the program length and how complex the custom function is. It is less deterministic compared to using INTERRUPT or HSC.

Technical support / Re: My concern about using PLC
« on: July 04, 2003, 08:24:30 AM »
First of all, the T100MD+ verion 5.x software does not allow you to upload program from the PLC so you are safe.

DOS TRiLOGI version 4 has the ability to upload the ladder program but not the custom function from the PLC.  However, you can use put in a program upload/download transfer password using TL41.exe which can prevent unauthorized attempt to upload the ladder logic and it also restrict transfer of new program to the PLC without the password.  This capability was not brought to Version 5.x to avoid confusing user with the TLServer username/password system.

TRiLOGI available for free download from our website are educational version and do not have ability to communicate with the PLC so that should not be not of concern to you.

Technical support / Re: Excel Link Functionality
« on: July 06, 2003, 09:02:59 AM »
There isn't a demo version of ExcelLink yet.  The ExcelLink is actually not a DDE server per se. It is actually both a client to the Excel's DDE and a client to TLServer. Based on the setup file that the user configure, it will automaticallly takes data from the PLC and put into the MS-Excel and vice versa.

ExcelLink only access the PLC data as words or strings. You need to write your own Excel Macro to extract the on/off state of individual bits.

If you want to take advantage of the TLServer, the best way is to use a Java API library that we provide. You can then write your own program in Java either as an application or as an applet. The advantage is that you can access the PLC from anywhere with a network connection to the TLServer.

P/S: TLServer was written to run on a PC that is already networked. Corporate users normally don't welcome a program that automatically dials and connect itself to the internet without user intervention as it compromises the company's security policy.

Technical support / Re: Reading Modbus-RTU device
« on: July 06, 2003, 03:49:22 PM »
You are right that READMODBUS is implemented using MODBUS function 03 and WRITEMODBUS is implemented using MODBUS function 16. These two functions are considered MODBUS Level 1 functions and are the most fundamental MODBUS command that any MODBUS master has to support.

If your device requires other function, then you can implement it using INCOMM, OUTCOMM and CRC16 (for PLC with firmware revision r44 and above only). We have posted a sample program that you can download from the following link:

This sample implements the function 04 and is tested to work with a slave T100MD888+.

Technical support / Re: Reading Modbus-RTU device
« on: June 17, 2002, 09:09:30 AM »
You should use READMODBUS command to read 1 register at a time. Use it twice at two different addresses to read two registers:

DM[1] = READMODBUS(13, 1, 0)
DM[2] = READMODBUS(13, 1, 1)

The READMODBUS (13,xx,yy) means to use RTU command to read from COMM port #3 (RS485). xx is the ID of the RTU device, yy is the starting address of the register. The CRC16 is automatically generated by the READMODBUS command and need not be added.

Technical support / Re: T22H-NPN reset problem
« on: July 06, 2003, 05:28:52 PM »
Does the PLC output appear as ON during online monitoring? If online monitoring shows that your output is off, yet the output LED turns ON, it means that the output driver has probably blown.

The output drivers on T22H-npn are controlled by the ULN2003A. You can try to swap the ULN2003A that controls output 1-4 with the other chips and see if the output problem has shifted. If so, it confirms that the output driver is fried.

The most likely reason for the output driver to blow is over current. Wrong polarity connection to the PLC's power supply input can also knock out the output driver.

You can purchase the ULN2003A driver chip easily from any Radioshack or any local electronics store,  or you can purchase it from us.  Please send your request to if you wish to purchase the ULN2003A chip.

Technical support / Re: WRITEMODBUS
« on: July 15, 2003, 11:24:31 AM »
Please find out from the manual or your equipment supplier whether Register #1 is the MODBUS holding register #1(in Modicon this is usually labelled as 40002). If so, then you can just use:

WRITEMODBUS  13, 1, 1, &H8

13 - First parameter means to use RTU to write to COMM3.
1 - Assume slave ID = 01
1 - Register #1, which correspond to 40002
&H8  - hexadecimal representation of the number 0008H

Technical support / Re: Write Memory
« on: July 15, 2003, 12:36:57 PM »
Write cycles is per memory location. So if you write 8 data to 8 different locations, each location only undergoes 1 write cycle.

When you transfer program to the PLC, each complete transfer is considered 1 cycle.

Anyway, the program EEPROM and data EEPROM occupies different memory locations so they are independent of each other.

Technical support / Re: Write Memory
« on: July 16, 2002, 08:46:33 AM »
Do you mean you want to write to the non-volatile memory? You can use the SAVE_EEP command to save the data to EEPROM memory. These will not be lost after power off. When power on, read the data back using the LOAD_EEP command. There are 1700 words (16-bit) available in the M-series PLC which can be used to store non-volatile data. Note that reading and writing to EEPROM are slow and there is a fixed life cycle (about 100,000 erase/write cycles) so you should exercise necessary caution when using the EEPROM memory.

Technical support / Re: Stepper Motors Not Working!
« on: July 17, 2003, 08:02:18 AM »
I tried out your program and managed to get pulses from both output #5 and #6 simultaneously. Did you observe the pulse output from both your output #5 and #6?

Since I don't have two stepper motor driver on hand  I observed the wave forms on an oscilloscope but did not notice any unusual pattern. So I both channels should be able to work simultaneously. They are of different direction since one is +ve direction and another in -ve direction so their respective direction output (#1 and #2) will be turned ON/OFF accordingly.

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