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Technical support / Re: Sanyo Security Serial Protocol SSP
« on: June 06, 2003, 01:49:23 PM »
Depending on the complexity of the Sanyo protocol it may vary from very easy to complex to program to handle its protocol. If the protocol is ASII based and only need no error check or only need simple error check such as checksum, you can very easily handle it using the NETCMD$ command.

You can take example from our website that demonstrate interfacing the T100MD+ PLC to the I-7000 analog module. The I-7000 has its own very simple ASCII protocol and we used the NETCMD$ to efficiently read or write to the I-7000 modules.

See the following link for details:

Technical support / Re: Is there a resistor value limit ?
« on: June 11, 2003, 07:47:58 PM »
If you connect a higher resistor the voltage will become higher (up to the limit of the voltage of the current power supply). However, the ADC input employ series resistors and diode clamp to clamp the input voltage to no more than 0.7V + AVcc. So the maximum voltage that the ADC input will see is about 5.7V. That will drive the ADC to saturation and the value read will be 4092.

Technical support / Re: Stepper Motor Help
« on: June 11, 2003, 07:55:31 PM »
You can use two 10K resistors in series to divde the 0-10V input to 0-5V so that the ADC can read it. The ADC input are pretty fast response (less than 0.1ms). However, the PLC is really not designed to handle very high speed PID loop like in servo control.  

PLC scan time is about 7 microsecond per word of ladder logic. TBASIC varies from 0.1ms to several ms depending on complexity of the function. It is not very meaningful to talk about "Scan Time" of TBASIC since you don't usually execute the TBASIC at every ladder scan. Instead you execute a custom function once when an event ocurrl or you could use a clock pulse to periodically execute a custom function written in TBASIC.

The smallest deterministic sampling time is using the 0.01s clock pulse, which means about 100 samples per second.

Technical support / Re: Stepper Motor Help
« on: June 06, 2003, 03:26:18 PM »
How many pulses will your analog proximity receive in relation to the rotation of the shart? Is it 1 pulse per step? You could feed the pulse back in the PLC's high speed counter to monitor the stepper motor actual rotation. So the PLC both generates the stepper pulses and monitor the encoder feedback.

50 steps in 60-100 milliseconds translate to 833 pulses or less per seconds. That is well within the PLC's capability to handle both pulse generation and encoder feedback.

Technical support / Re: RTS/CTS Control
« on: June 14, 2003, 08:07:23 AM »
If you run the PLC's serial port at 1200 bps or slower, then the PLC will output data at same or slower speed than the radio can handle. If you then tie the RTS and CTS together (on the radio) you might be able to get it to work.

Anyway, we don't have experience in such application. The above is just a suggesion/guess only. ;)

Technical support / Re: RTS/CTS Control
« on: June 11, 2003, 08:02:19 PM »
There is no plan to utilize the RTS/CTS control on COMM1.  There is normally no need to utilize flow control because the message exchange with the PLC is usually half-duplex. You send one ASCII string to the PLC and then wait for it to reply. Usually the modem have sufficient buffer capacity to take the message characters without needing the flow control.

The PLC can communicate at 38.400bps, but you can change it down to as low as 300 baud if need be (that will be really really SLOW). Typically 9600bps works great with most modem on the market.

A radio modem supplier who has tested their radio modem with our PLC is key Telemetering (  They have tested the radio modem to work when the PLC communicate at 38,400bps.

Check the following thread for the contact person:;action=display;num=1053447552

Technical support / Re: barcode readers
« on: February 19, 2003, 05:16:57 AM »
SETBAUD 1,3 will set COMM1 to 9600, 8 data bit, 1 stop bit and NO parity. But if you define the bar code scanner for even parity then you need to use a different number for SETBAUD 1,n

I assume you have used a clock pulse to periodically execute the Fn #2?

Anyway, you should test whether you have received any input from the PLC by:

  A$ = INPUT$(1)
  IF LEN (A$) = 0 RETURN: ENDIF   ' nothing received.
  SETLCD 1,1, A$+"     "     ' To display captured string.
  A = VAL (A$)
  If A > 0:  B = A:  ENDIF
This should work better.

Technical support / Re: Encoder question
« on: June 18, 2003, 12:59:02 PM »
If you can find an optical encoder that can output 24V NPN then you can connect directly to the HSC inputs. If your encoder is 5V only then you will need the darlington array to act as the interface between them.

Technical support / Re: ADC Jumping Around
« on: June 19, 2003, 03:03:02 PM »
Have you actually tried the sensor interfacing with the analog input instead of using a simulator? Depending on the quality of the PLC power supply as well as sensor power supply, the presense of electrical noise etc you can get different result. So far many users seems satisfied with the slight flickering of the reading.

For water level measurement, since the reading does not change rapidly, you could take a moving average of the signal that you read in. That can be easily accomplished using the math capability of TBASIC.  You can take a moving average of 3 or 5 samples as your final result.

For absolute stability the RS485 based I-7017 will give you excellent result since it is a 16-bit unit with its own isolated power supply. Considering that it gives you 8 channels of 16-bit analog inputs the price is not too expensive.

If you want absolute stability in the reading

Technical support / Re: ADC Jumping Around
« on: June 19, 2003, 09:40:00 AM »
The built-in ADC has a repeatability of about +/- 3 LSB, which for a 10-bit ADC translate to approximately +/-0.3%.

Note that the reading you see on screen is multiplied by 4 because of the normalisation to 12-bit. i.e. for +/- 3 LSB the reading will fluctuate about +/- 4,8 or 12.

If the reading jump more than that, then ripple on the PLC power supply may play a factor if I assume that your 4-20mA simulator has ultra steady power supply.

If you use the PLC's built-in 5V to power a potentiometer and take measurement the reading will be much more stable.

Technical support / Re: Trigonometry Calculation
« on: May 05, 2003, 05:41:41 PM »
Thank you for the update. Yes, it is possible to use a look up table to solve the trig function but provided it is only limited to a small range of values.

Technical support / Re: Trigonometry Calculation
« on: April 14, 2003, 12:28:36 PM »
Sorry. Not supported.

The M-series PLC do not support floating point math. But it's 32-bit integer math is good enough for 95% of control system.

Technical support / Re: logging date and time of an input contact
« on: June 19, 2003, 06:54:36 PM »
What do you mean by "bongs out"? Do you mean you can't load the program into the PLC?

To log the time into DM[n], you just have to assign it:

DM[N] = TIME[1]      ' log hour
DM[N+1] = TIME[2]  ' log minute
DM[N+2] = TIME[3]  ' log second
DM[N+3] = DATE[2]  ' Log Month
DM[N+4] = DATE[3]  ' Log Day

N = N+5

If this use up too much memory you could compress the data into one variable such as:

DM[N+3] = DATE[2]*100+DATE[3]   ' represent as 101 to 1231

Technical support / Re: How to run TL5 server under win XP
« on: June 23, 2003, 03:09:11 PM »
There is a FAQ link to this question. Please visit:

and look for the topics "TLServer Ver 2.0 could not start".

Technical support / Re: Nested Parentheses in Logical Expressions
« on: June 23, 2003, 03:17:57 PM »
In the TRiLOGI version 5.2 we have just released, we have included support for compilation of complex logical expression as per your example.

All licensed TRiLOGI users can obtain free upgrade by following the "upgrade.htm" document in their CD ROM.

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