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Messages - peterh_DK

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Technical support / Re:Merging Files
« on: June 26, 2006, 05:08:07 AM »
Open both I/O tables and then copy and paste one by one.

thanks -  that is obvious and hardly any help, it is only marginally faster than retyping. I was looking for something smarter

Technical support / Merging Files
« on: June 25, 2006, 10:59:12 AM »
Hi there,

I have coded some rungs in a seperate testfile that I would like to copy into my main file. I can copy the rungs to the Clipboard and paste them into the main project, but how do I copy I/O tables?


Technical support / Re:Serial Communication via Modem
« on: June 20, 2006, 02:30:31 AM »
Thanks! I modified it a bit and got it working. I think I have isolated the "hanging up" problem to be connected with email.

If I send an email with 1000 datapoints taken from the DM variable, then it oftens hangs up halfway through. But he email is sent ust containing 5-800 datapoint.

It is not a serious problem, since I really only need to write the datapoint to a file on the PC and that works.

I'll keep you posted

Technical support / Re:Serial Communication via Modem
« on: June 14, 2006, 02:51:00 PM »
No I dont think the line breaks without data but it could happen.
The problem is I want to check for the returned "OK" after issuing the PRINT#1 command
If I issue the following after the connection is established
Z$= "ABC"
print#1 z$
if strcmp(input$(1), "OK")= 0
   setlcd 1,1,"all ok"
   setlcd 2,1,"trouble  "

Then I only get "trouble" on the LCD

I guess this is because the PLC is reading INPUT$(1) before the "OK" answer has been returned

How do I continue reading INPUT$(1) until I get the "OK" , but "give up" and resend the PRINT#1 z$
after reasonable time assuming the the "OK" doesn't arrive becaus there was an error ?


Technical support / Serial Communication via Modem
« on: June 13, 2006, 06:35:10 AM »
Hi There,
I?ve got at T100MD888 Plc connected to a  Fargo Maestro GSM Modem. Communication is one way ? From PLc through Modem-to-modem-to-PC-running-Trilogi server
The PLC dials a predefined modem number and  when connected it dumps some of the content of the DM
  • variable.

I use Tri-logis custom function to control the modem. This works fine ? most of the time ?.
As long as I only transfer from DM[1] to DM[200] is works every time, but If I send 1000 variables I often loose the line.

I am not sending it  all at once but I packets of 10 the i.e.
Y = 200
For I = 1 to y step 10
   put dm [I to I+10] into to A$ as one string
    Print#1 A$

I hope this ensures that the serial buffer doesn?t  overflow but I am not sure, and I don?t notice if the lines breaks

The problem is I don?t  perform any quality control whatsoever. Just dial up ? send data ? clear ram.
So instead of writing from scratch I just  want to se if there is some code available already, using Incomm/ Input$ to check the transmission.
Any samples I could have a look at?

Best regards


Technical support / Re:E mail error code 501
« on: February 24, 2006, 02:28:15 AM »
Thanks for the quick info. I have provided a subject line - just forgot to put it in the question. But I'll try using a different mail server and see if that helps

Technical support / E mail error code 501
« on: February 23, 2006, 01:22:32 PM »
I have purchased a T110MD+49 + RTX and got it up an running on the control side but when i send Email through TLServer Version 2 I have encountered 2 problems:

A function is programmed as follows
print#1 "<EMAIL>"
print#1 "Sender:"

print#1 "</>"

It works fine and the mail is sent and is received in Outlook.
But the receiver cannot see who it is addressed to. The "TO" field simply states "Undisclosed recipients"  I would like the "TO" field to be filled in. Can that be done?

Secondly the TL servers reports a Syntax  Error 501  indicating a problem in the From address
Why is this?

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