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Technical support / Re:Fx2424 ADC display in Online Monitoring
« on: June 23, 2016, 08:50:17 AM »
Thank you for your feedback and the suggestion!

Technical support / Re:wiring
« on: June 22, 2016, 03:46:48 AM »
Are you using L297 stepper motor controller IC? This IC input voltage is TTL, not quite compatible with the 24V NPN output from the PLC. I am intrigued that the pulsing seems to work since the motor is able to rotate in one direction when pulsing.

You can try to let the PLC supply only the pulse and use a push button to control the CW/CCW signal pin, and check if it will correctly change the direction in response to the push button control? If it does it means that the directional signal from the PLC is not correctly accepted by the stepper driver circuit and you will need to convert the output signal from the PLC to TTL level in order to interface with the L297 driver IC.

Technical support / Re:wiring
« on: June 21, 2016, 09:15:44 AM »
Is the wiring diagram supplied by the driver's manufacturer? Seems like the motor is only driven by a 2.5V DC?

What kind of voltage input does the driver IC expect from the PLC? Note that the PLC outputs are 24V NPN (current sink) and when OFF it is pulled up to the PLC's positive rail via a 5.6K ohm resistor and output red LED. When ON it is sinked to near 0V.  Please check if the output of the Fx2424 is compatible with your driver IC's required input voltage and current.

Also check that the wirings to the stepper motor coils are correct.  You can check the voltage cross the A and C coil and B and D coil when the direction signal is turned from OFF to ON.  The polarity of the voltage appears across A-C and B-D should reverse when the direction changes.

Technical support / Re:Undef.Interrupt.. with the NANO
« on: June 16, 2016, 02:28:37 PM »
Thanks for the info. Firmware r73 was released in 2010. Since then there have been a number of bug fixes to avoid triggering the undefined interrupt. Also INTRDEF 100, n, 1  error trap was implemented only from firmware r75 onwards so unfortunately this will not help in your setup.

The best solution to fix this issue is to upgrade your PLC firmware. However, firmware upgrade by user is only possible from firmware r83 onward. To upgrade r73 to the latest firmware you can email to arrange to return the unit to our office to upgrade the firmware.

Technical support / Re:Undef.Interrupt.. with the NANO
« on: June 15, 2016, 03:38:13 PM »
What is the firmware version of your PLC? If the firmware is >= r83 you can upgrade the firmware to the latest version and the issue may already have been fixed in the latest firmware.

It appears that something happen when the PLC was reading data from a Modbus slave and the undefined interrupt was invoked.  This is very rare but the undefined interrupt is unlikely to be destructive to the PLC's operation. You can continue to monitor the operation and see if the undefined interrupt is repeatable at the same location.  Alternatively if this is a production system and must operate continuously You can add in the INTRDEF 100,n,1 as described in the previous thread to let the PLC recover automatically while keeping track of the number of times the same event took place.

Technical support / Re:Undef.Interrupt.. with the NANO
« on: June 13, 2016, 10:09:51 PM »
Yes pressing F8 while the Custom function #4 is opened will yield some information about where the undefined interrupt is being triggered. Feel free to send your code to if you need us to look into it.

What is your firmware version?

Undefined interrupt sometime happens when an interrupt based hardware is disabled at the wrong instant when an interrupt is pending but not yet processed and this is where we want to look into. The undefined interrupt can be trapped by setting up an interrupt service routine using INTRDEF 100, n, 1   where n is the function number to handle the undefined interrupt. Often undefined interrupts are quite harmless and can be exited with a RETURN statement but it gives you a chance to keep track of the number of times it happens by storing it inside a non-volatile memory location.  You can also initiate an orderly restart procedure by saving all the critical parameters in non-volatile memory and then run a "REBOOT" command to restart the PLC and reload the parameters so that the program resume where it left off.

Technical support / Re:CANBUS
« on: May 22, 2016, 07:48:45 PM »
CAN Bus is not supported as of now. There is no plan to develop CAN bus protocol support due to lack of popularity in our key markets.

Technical support / Re:ABB ACH550 RS485 trunk issue
« on: May 19, 2016, 07:47:15 PM »
Thanks for your reply!

Do you want me to add the 1k resistor at the drive terminal or at the nano terminal?


You can add it near the drive terminal since Nano-10 does not require biasing.

Gary's point is also valid and could explain the problem you encountered. All the RS485 devices must share a common ground. So if you have mulitiple drive connected together then the 3rd wire should be used to tire up all their common ground and the 0V on the Nano-10.

Technical support / Re:ABB ACH550 RS485 trunk issue
« on: May 19, 2016, 12:47:09 PM »
U-485 has some biasing on the RS485 port. Nano-10 does not supply the biasing voltage. This might makes a difference to the drive?

You can try to add in a 1K resistor to RS485+ to pull up to +5V and another 1K resistor connect to RS485(-) terminal to pull-down to 0V and see if it would improve communication.

Technical support / Re:Fx2424 Input current
« on: May 16, 2016, 09:52:56 PM »
Your device must be able to sink 5mA is pull the NPN input of the Fx2424 to ON.

Technical support / Re:Save value from slave during power loss
« on: April 30, 2016, 09:27:28 AM »
You will need to perhaps write to a different location (E.g  X ) and inside your slave PLC program you can periodically monitor this X and if it is non-zero, you can then assign HSCPV[1] to it.

e.g inside a function that runs every scan:

IF X <> 0
    HSCPV[1] = X  
    X = 0       ' indicate that it is done.

Of course you can also use other numbers as a new data marker instead of zero if you ever need to send a zero to the slave HSC. E.g  

IF X <> -99999999 (an unlikely number)
     HSCPV[1] = X
     X = -99999999

Note that HSCPV[n] is a 32-bit variable. Unless your range of number is -32768 to 32767 you will need to use a 32-bit variable (e.g. DM32, which is formed by two adjacent 16-bit DMs) in the slave to assign to the HSCPV[].

Technical support / Re:Save value from slave during power loss
« on: April 29, 2016, 11:15:07 AM »
If you can define what you can considered as "invalid" counter value which is caused by the slave losing power, then you sure can save that last known data into non-volatile memory on the master.

That means you should capture the counter values into a temporary DM memory on the master, and then check how it compares with the previous stored value. If the value seems invalid (e.g. if the slave counter should be increasing and it suddens start from low value near zero, it probably suggest that the slave has been reset) then you need to either discard it or store the new value into a new location. You could even try to restore the last good counter values from the master to the slave using the WRITEMODBUS command. However, you have to decide if this make sense if the slave counter is already in motion and you could lose some counts.


DM[100] = READMODBUS 13, 1, 1001   ' DM[100] is temporary location

Assuming the last good count was stored in DM[150]

IF (DM[150] - DM[100] > xxx)    ' differences too large to be valid
   .....   ' do something about the new value - discard or store
     DM[150] = DM[100]     '   seems like good counter value, store it.

Technical support / Re:Count pulses on pulse frequency inputs
« on: April 23, 2016, 05:50:26 PM »
You can define HSC input using HSCDEF and you will then be able to capture both the number of pulses on the HSCPV[1] to HSCPV[3] variable. At the same time you can use the PULSEFREQUENCY and PULSEPERIOD functions to capture the frequency or the period of the incoming pulses.

Note that HSC inputs are defined in a pair so if you use HSC channel #1 on the FMD PLC it will takes up input #3 and #4 even if you only need just one input. Please refer to Chapter 6 of the PLC's user manual for the mapping of the HSC inputs to the physical inputs.

Technical support / Re:F2424 HSC
« on: April 23, 2016, 05:46:38 PM »
Do you mean the current value? You can go online monitoring and click on View Variable button and you will see the 3 HSC values being displayed on the first page of the View Variable screen together next to the integer variables A to Z.

Technical support / Re:A nice feature suggestion to STEPMOVE
« on: April 21, 2016, 07:34:54 PM »
Actually what you wish for is available in TL6 and TL7 for quite a while.

E.g. If you define relay #36 with the label "36_X_PLUS_DONE you can then use it in the following statement:


The program will compile and run correctly. I just tested it. If your version does not support this then please upgrade to the latest version as since version 6.50 many great new features have been added to the software. Upgrade is always free - just follow Help and select "TRiLOGI Upgrade" link to obtain the latest versions.

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