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Technical support / Re:Priority issues TCP and RS485
« on: November 17, 2016, 01:21:48 PM »
Is the RS485 port working as a Modbus RTU master?

If the PLC failed to receive a complete response packet from the RTU slave it will usually re-try by resending the packet and get another response. This usually should not be affected by the Modbus TCP server operation. However, if the CPU is kept very busy handling Modbus TCP server activities it is conceivable that the CPU may have less time to handle the serial port.

Also do you know the firmware version of the Nano-10 that you have issue with? You may want to try to update the firmware (if your firmware is >= r83) to see if the performance would improve as there are some recent improvement with the PLC working as a Modbus RTU master.

Technical support / Re:DATE update after midnight
« on: November 17, 2016, 12:56:17 PM »
We have checked with engineering and what Gary has suggested is correct. The CPU periodically tried to update its RTC (both calendar and time registers) by loading the data from battery-backed RTC on the FRAM-RTC board as it has a more accurate crystal. In the older firmware the update occur during the hourly crossover from xx: 59:59 to (XX+1):00:00.

Unfortunately if the updates occur during the midnight crossover (from 23:59:59 to 0:00:00) when the calendar date also change, then a race condition could occur such that the FRAM-RTC may still have the previous day date during the RTC update but after the RTC update the clock already passed 0:00:00 and the calendar date was not incremented. The date will be corrected after another RTC update.

Engineering has modified the firmware since r82B to avoid such a scenario so PLCs with firmware >= r82B should not experience this issue. Your PLCs vith firmware r82A unfortunately are still running the old firmware. Also for firmware before r83 they can't be field upgraded by users so if you wish to upgrade please contact to arrange for RMA.

There are however some workaround we can suggest as follow:

If your PLCs  do periodically update their RTC from internet time server, then you may not need the RTC to be updated from the backup RTC every hour. In that case you can simply disable the hourly update of the CPU's RTC from the backup RTC. This can be achieved using the following statement once:

   SETSYSTEM 253,2  ' disable hourly update from backup RTC

The backup RTC will still function to load the CPU's RTC when the PLC is power ON. The backup RTC values is also updated simultaneously when you synchronize the CPU's RTC to the Internet Time Server so it will maintain the same accuracy.

Note that once the SETSYSTEM 253,2 is run it will stop re-enabling the hourly update from the backup RTC until any of the TIME[n] or DATE[n] variable is written to. Writing to any of these variables automatically re-enable the periodic update from backup RTC. (So if you are updating the PLC's RTC from Internet Time Server you will need to re-run the SETSYSTEM 253,2 statement to disable the updates again.)

So your program could disable the update from FRAM-RTC before midnight crossover and re-enable after midnight crossover.  Usually you can monitor the RTC in your program and do the necessary, or you can also setup an Alarm interrupt to handle it automatically. I have attached a sample program demonstrating how to use the alarm interrupt to work around this issue.

Technical support / Re:DATE update after midnight
« on: November 13, 2016, 10:27:45 PM »
1) Can you check the firmware version of the PLCs that you experienced the DATE[3] not updated correctly and those that do update correct.

2) Does the PLC connect to a time server (such as your central server or the NIST time server) to update its time periodically? If so when does this occur?

Technical support / Re:Fx2424 analog port read issue
« on: November 02, 2016, 06:47:15 PM »
Thank you for the updates. Our tech support team has also emailed you some suggestions on the possible causes of what you observed but we are glad that in the end you found out that it was a simple ground wiring issue.

Technical support / Re:Fx2424 analog 5VDC current increase?
« on: October 13, 2016, 10:16:02 PM »
On the Fx2424 the 5V is derived from a precision voltage reference IC LM4040-5  and this IC can only source 10mA maximum. It is unfortunately not possible to supply more current from the 5V reference.

A cheap 7805 with a heat sink with 2 capacitors will allow you to step down the 24V DC to 5V and supply maybe 50mA for your requirement.

Otherwise 5V power supply can be obtained from pretty cheap 5V power supply (those USB phone charger).

Technical support / Re:Using PulsePeriod(ch)
« on: September 02, 2016, 11:43:22 AM »
Yes your understanding of the PMON capability is perfectly right!

The PULSEFREQUENCY, PULSEPERIOD etc are handled in the background. Some input capture timers at work capturing the exact time when the pulse edge occur and when TBASIC execute the PULSEPERIOD command the actual period is computed.

Note that PULSEPERIOD(n)  returns 32-bit number so you probably want to use a 32-bit variable to store the data  since period is measured in 1us to 0.1us, so for low frequency pulse the period is a very large number.

You can use A to Z or DM32[1] to DM32[2000] to store the 32-bit PULSEPERIOD data.

Technical support / Re:TL7 Appears Unstable
« on: August 25, 2016, 11:22:57 AM »
It sounds like the TL7 is receiving a mouse scrollwheel event. You try to rotate the scroll wheel on your mouse. If it feels exactly the same as the strange behavior you described that means for some reason Java is sending mouse scroll wheel event to the TL7 software.

We use Logitech wireless mouse a lot here and never encounter the problem you described. But it could be a combination of mouse driver and multiple monitor software that is causing the issue. You can try a different mouse and see if problem still persist.

Technical support / Re:TL7 Appears Unstable
« on: August 23, 2016, 07:58:00 PM »
Thank you for your report. So far we have not encountered similar issue nor hear from other customers about the random scrolling behavior.

1) What is your operating system?

2) Does this happen every time you run the program? How long on average when this behavior starts to appear? Is the screen scrolling horizontally or vertically?

3) Are you using laptop? Could the touch pad on the laptop be contributing to this behavior?

4) If you quit TL7 and then run the program again, does it become stable?

5) If you restart the PC operating system does it become stable?

Technical support / Re:Nano and F2424 seperated by network
« on: August 08, 2016, 05:27:01 PM »
First you need to make a Modbus TCP connection. After the connection is made then you can send the WRITEMB2 and READMB2 commands.

However, the command can't process 100 registers at a time. Please try to limit a single WRITEMB2 and READMB2 command to not more than 32 registers at a time so that you do not exceed the transmit and receive buffer size. Therefore you may need multiple read and write to update all 100 DMs.

Technical support / Re:Nano and F2424 seperated by network
« on: August 04, 2016, 01:57:54 PM »
Given that the Nano-10 is on 4G network which is likely to be less stable than the internet connection at the ISP, it will probably be better for the Nano-10 to update the status on the F2424. If you are just monitoring digital inputs you also can report only when there is a change of logic state and when nothing change the Nano-10 need not report the state to the Fx2424 (or at least report much less frequently).

Nano-10 can send a NETCMD$ and check for response from the Fx2424. If there is no response it can try again and if still no response, there is probably a loss connection and the Nano-10 can do the necessary such as disconnect and make a new connection. In some cases it may need to restart the 4G modem in order to resolve the connection problem. These are possible if Nano-10 can control the power to the 4G modem.

Technical support / Re:Nano and F2424 seperated by network
« on: August 02, 2016, 09:14:29 PM »
Do you mean you have problem connecting to the Fx2424 while it is connected to a 3G modem?

I assume the 3G modem is connected to the Fx2424 via Ethernet port? The 3G modem then act as a router and there is a firewall protecting the Fx2424 from external access.

What you need to do is to "port forward" the TCPIP packets with the FServer port number (default is 9080) or the Modbus TCP server port number (default is 502) to the private static IP address that Fx2424 is configured. The firewall also must open to allow packets destined to these ports to be passed through. Once you have set it up this way, you will then be able to remotely access the Fx2424 using the 3G modem public IP address. You can test it with i-TRiLOGI first (or a Modbus TCP client software in case of Modbus TCP server is used). If you are able to remotely program and monitor the Fx2424 it is now very easy for the Nano-10 to access the Fx2424 since it can make a connection to the 3G modem public IP address.

Likewise, you can also make the Fx2424 access the Nano-10 in your office. You will need to "port-forward" the relevant port from the router of your office to the IP address of the Nano-10. Also firewall on the router must allow packets destined to these ports to pass through to the PLC. Again if properly setup you should be able to use i-TRiLOGI to access your Nano-10 from outside of your office using the public IP address of your office router. Once that test is successful the Fx2424 should have no problem accessing the Nano-10 to upload or download data.

Technical support / Re:Printout enhancement
« on: August 01, 2016, 09:09:40 AM »
Thank you for your feedback. Your suggestions will be sent to the software development team for consideration.

Note that you can export the custom functions to a text file and you can the edit the text file to retain only custom function of interest before you send them to paper printout. That may be a short term fix for the moment.

Technical support / Re:DO Issue
« on: July 11, 2016, 08:24:20 AM »
On FMD PLCs, the 3 status output LEDs and the output 1 to 4 are linked to the same circuit. So it is likely to be some component damage on that part of the circuit. Please email to request for RMA so that we can inspect and repair the board.

Technical support / Re:Using NANO-10 PLC as modbus gateway
« on: July 11, 2016, 08:20:13 AM »
The gateway function of the Nano-10 supports only the Modbus RTU mode as well as the Hostlink command mode but not the Modbus ASCII mode. Modbus ASCII is much less often used than Modbus RTU mode and therefore there has been no plan to add this mode to the gateway function.

Technical support / Re:Status(2) behavior with extended filesystem
« on: July 01, 2016, 10:52:39 PM »
Thanks for the feedback. The simple file system on these PLCs are mainly designed for the PLC to write to these files and then the file can be uploaded to a server or downloaded by a client software.  

One way to detect if a file contains useful data would be to store a signature line on the first line of the file. That way your software can open the file and check for the signature. If it exists it means a new file has been uploaded and it can continue to read the useful data from line #2 onwards. Otherwise it will close the file and continue until the next scan of the data file.

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